
Hello everyone. Chapter 10 of Back to Neverland is finally up! :) 
          	I didn't want to post it yesterday, even though I said I would, because it felt wrong for me to do so. One of my favourite YouTubers passed away, and I feel so heartbroken cause I really liked her ever since I was in highschool. And I couldn't get over how unfair everything was, that's why I couldn't find it in me to update. 
          	Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I hope all of you stay safe all the time. Thank you. 


Hello everyone. Chapter 10 of Back to Neverland is finally up! :) 
          I didn't want to post it yesterday, even though I said I would, because it felt wrong for me to do so. One of my favourite YouTubers passed away, and I feel so heartbroken cause I really liked her ever since I was in highschool. And I couldn't get over how unfair everything was, that's why I couldn't find it in me to update. 
          Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I hope all of you stay safe all the time. Thank you. 


Hello lovelies I'm back! And just so you know, the cover for BTN has changed and I hope you guys are lovin' it. 
          Chapter 10 is in progress, expect it to be up by Saturday. :D I'll be updating the story regularly now since it's my summer vacation. Hope you guys will stay by it!


While I was researching for some info (for Chapter 8), I came across a book entitled "Tiger Lily" by Jodi Lynn Anderson. I viewed it of course, because I was so curious about it. It turns out, it was a reinterpretation of the Peter and Wendy story. But this time, the heroine is Tiger Lily, and while reading the summary I was like, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO". Especially this line:
          "Before Peter Pan belonged to Wendy, he belonged to the girl with the crow feather in her hair..."
          All I could think was "how dare she do this?!", but maybe she was a Tiger Lily and Peter shipper. Who knows. I think it was rather brave of her to write for Tiger Lily instead of Wendy, and I actually want to read the book.
          Honestly, seeing that book challenged me to do justice to Wendy. In my mind, ever since I first saw Peter Pan, I just knew that they belonged together. When there is a Peter, there is a Wendy.  That's their legacy. 
          So to all of you who are reading my story Back to Neverland, please bear with it for a while in its current state. I first wrote that book when I was 16, so the first few chapters may be a bit unappealing. I promise, however, that once I finish it I will edit it again. There may be some major changes, so I hope you would try to read it again someday.
          Thanks to "Tiger Lily", I am now more motivated to give my all into writing Back to Neverland. And I would also like to thank those who kept commenting on my story, telling me to continue writing it. You guys gave me motivation to continue. Thank you.


Additionally, reading the reviews made me cry.


AFTER 2 YEARS, I finally updated Back to Neverland. I'm so sorry for being late, and that chapter might not be my best since my writing style had changed over the past two years. I'm so sorry, I'll try to do better next time. But for now, I hope you enjoy the chapter! I really want to finish this since I have this amazing side chapter in mind and had already made and I really really want to share it with you all.




@sangsterflare Thank you so much! I'm sorry for suddenly disappearing, I got too focused in college that I had no time to write. :(


Hi there! Thank you so much for the kind message you left on my board. I appreciate all the support you’ve given me. Aww, I’m actually very grateful already for all the love my stories have been receiving. :) It means a lot to hear this from you, thanks for making my day!


Heyyy guys. Finally posted Chapter 5 of Back to Neverland. In the previous chapter, Wendy met a fairy and finally found Mark. Let's see what happens after that! :D 
          I hope you guys enjoy it!


Can you please post chapter 6? I've been waiting for 2000003892 days!!! Your story is like the best fanfiction of Peter Pan EVER! If you're not going to update, can you send me a message anyway? Please, I need to know!<3
            - Delenainmyheart


FINALLY finished writing Chapter 5 of BTN. Just give me some time to read and revise/edit it and I'll post it soon! I'm so sorry for the delay, and because of that, I made sure to make it longer than the other chapters to make it up to you guys. :) 
          Much love, Vienna