While I was researching for some info (for Chapter 8), I came across a book entitled "Tiger Lily" by Jodi Lynn Anderson. I viewed it of course, because I was so curious about it. It turns out, it was a reinterpretation of the Peter and Wendy story. But this time, the heroine is Tiger Lily, and while reading the summary I was like, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO". Especially this line:
"Before Peter Pan belonged to Wendy, he belonged to the girl with the crow feather in her hair..."
All I could think was "how dare she do this?!", but maybe she was a Tiger Lily and Peter shipper. Who knows. I think it was rather brave of her to write for Tiger Lily instead of Wendy, and I actually want to read the book.
Honestly, seeing that book challenged me to do justice to Wendy. In my mind, ever since I first saw Peter Pan, I just knew that they belonged together. When there is a Peter, there is a Wendy. That's their legacy.
So to all of you who are reading my story Back to Neverland, please bear with it for a while in its current state. I first wrote that book when I was 16, so the first few chapters may be a bit unappealing. I promise, however, that once I finish it I will edit it again. There may be some major changes, so I hope you would try to read it again someday.
Thanks to "Tiger Lily", I am now more motivated to give my all into writing Back to Neverland. And I would also like to thank those who kept commenting on my story, telling me to continue writing it. You guys gave me motivation to continue. Thank you.