
…I just saw a small light brown deer run across the road and then jump over a very high stone wall. It ran from small forest to small forest and I didn’t even know deer were in this country, let alone this part of the country… I was alone, walking and it came out of nowhere and I didn’t hear a single sound from it, If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t’ve known it was there.
          	I am starting to question my sanity and how much sleep I rlly got last night.
          	Anyway, hope you all have a good day or night.(:


…I just saw a small light brown deer run across the road and then jump over a very high stone wall. It ran from small forest to small forest and I didn’t even know deer were in this country, let alone this part of the country… I was alone, walking and it came out of nowhere and I didn’t hear a single sound from it, If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t’ve known it was there.
          I am starting to question my sanity and how much sleep I rlly got last night.
          Anyway, hope you all have a good day or night.(:


I just read an amazing au at school that I hadn’t even thought about the possible existence of before now.
          Sanders sides in the demon slayer world. As in, they live in that au, not just a visit. And I now feel like crying because I’ve look through wattpad, Ao3 and Google and I can’t find a single other au like this anywhere except the unfinished one I just read… i need more but there isn’t anymore!:(
          Anyway! I hope you all have an amazing day/night, bye!(:


          I was at my grandad’s house today and at some point he came over to me and said “You’re reading now, then?” (He had asked me if I was reading multiple times previously) I was currently reading, so he asked what I was reading, and I said “I don’t know, just some random book I found.” In a bit of a panic, cause I didn’t even read the tags or the description (like an idiot) I just chose it from my reading list and I was bored.
          He looked over my shoulder and I was thanking myself so much that I had adjusted the settings back to having the words the smallest I could get them for this exact reason, I don’t know what I’m reading so I don’t wanna be caught reading something dirty around people I know. 
          That book was ONE PAGE right before a smut scene…
          If my grandad had come over a little later, I’d have had to suspiciously and frantically scroll up… to a scene where they tease a character about their sexual tension with another.
          I could already feel my face heating up while desperately hoping that his eyes couldn’t read it, I had only read about halfway down that page so when he left me alone and I read the rest of that page my face felt like it was on fire.
          He didn’t say anything though and I didn’t look at his face till lunch so I’m still hoping he didn’t read that.
          Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful day. Bye.


Does anyone else just have days where your whole body feels weird, hurts a little in the torso, legs get tired easily and it just feels like you’ve got too much energy that it feels like you can’t hold still and when you’re sitting/lying down it feels like you could run a marathon but as soon as you stand up it feels like none of that energy is in your legs and they start to hurt like you’ve just got back home from a walk?
          It probably doesn’t help that I stayed up rlly early last night and haven’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday and I’m listening to music that makes me rlly happy and want to burst out singing.
          I apologise if this makes no sense, I couldn’t be bothered to edit it. Hope you all have a wonderful day! (:


Impulsively decided to take my keyboard to my room and learn a new song, that was short and simple so I moves on to a second song… it might be important to mention I haven’t even touched it in over a year and didn’t do much with it when I first got it. Every time I looked at it I felt bad cos it was so expensive and now it’s just collecting dust, i guess I just needed the serotonin to keep going! 
          Hope you all have a wonderful day / night! (:


So, I want to know if this happens to anyone else?
          When someone I follow publishes a new book, I get a notification but it’s just on the Lock Screen and only until I open the app, if I want to check out one of their new books I have to remember which person I follow it is, which isn’t always easy as I follow about 90 people somehow. Is this normal or should I go to the help centre?


@Nateleslie27 Thank you for responding. (:
            Have a good day! 


I forgot! I need to grab it from my bag downstairs, thanks for the reminder! ( : Have a good day!


Yeah it happens to me. Also have you done the psych homework? 