
//did someone missed me? Y'all it's me 
          	So what happened what happened that I was gone for sooo zamn long
          	S lotttt of drama  happened
          	Basically Hetalia fandom on Instagram being completely racist forwards me 
          	For example 
          	Sending me death threats, calling me slurs, wanting to Lynch me and what not- and y'all may wonder yourself
          	"Kimi how did it came that far"
          	Well I drew some countries black....that's it
          	And people ESPECIALLY Slavic people got so damn madddd
          	So uhmmm was I left traumatised
          	Did I left the Hetalia fandom a few weeks ago
          	As much as I hate the fandom I love Vienna , I even did a Budapest oc
          	Not to forget all my comfort character, but damn this fandom is so darn racist 
          	But yeah maybe I should post some Vienna content again! I still love her sm
          	There's a lot of character development I'm actually proud of ngl


//did someone missed me? Y'all it's me 
          So what happened what happened that I was gone for sooo zamn long
          S lotttt of drama  happened
          Basically Hetalia fandom on Instagram being completely racist forwards me 
          For example 
          Sending me death threats, calling me slurs, wanting to Lynch me and what not- and y'all may wonder yourself
          "Kimi how did it came that far"
          Well I drew some countries black....that's it
          And people ESPECIALLY Slavic people got so damn madddd
          So uhmmm was I left traumatised
          Did I left the Hetalia fandom a few weeks ago
          As much as I hate the fandom I love Vienna , I even did a Budapest oc
          Not to forget all my comfort character, but damn this fandom is so darn racist 
          But yeah maybe I should post some Vienna content again! I still love her sm
          There's a lot of character development I'm actually proud of ngl


"happy late birthday my beloved Luxembourg, you helped me out in so many different situations and I just wanted to tell you how glad I am that I know you ^^"
          Love Vienna <3


            //Yeah be careful with his birthday bc it's changes when there is a new monarch
            But rn it's still the same day and month


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//fuck now it works either way. 
          Well nvm..
          Prussia quietly crossed his arms and grumbled something inaudible To Russia. ivan was carrying him and held him very near looking with a smile to Vienna. Gilbert quickly mumbled something which Russia pretty much ignored.
          "You have to take care of snowflake for a few days. I need to talk with America.", Russia said. 
          "Keep care he doesn't get hurt. It might be very bad if he does." 
          He innocently smiled. 
          "Don't-", Gilbert said with slurred speech hitting Russia and trying to desperately wrestle his way out, his body was covered in bandages and he was in light pain. 


            "Yea a little.", he replied


            "No problem" she waited for him to finish, and as he drank up sh took the glass away and gave it beside her "feeling a little better?" She asked him curiously


            He nodded lightly, "thanks".
            Quickly he drank it, with a bit concentration so his arms wont shake that much.


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            //Yes-. I saw it. It confuzed me for a sec.


            //Not just by Soviet, but also France, England and America


            //nvm there was a neutrality act thingy. It works out


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//creepsshowart can fuck herself
          Omfg she's such a bitch smh


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@Vienna_aph o shit


            //Basically she was on a gossip platform, and pretending to be someone else, she then doxxed her sister what broke on e of the rules and the admins found out that it was her
            But there is so much more stuff that she did


what even happened what


//No because I stan Austria and Australia supremacy


            //They are basically already second personas of each other. Austria is a cranky old man and Australia is (how it feels) a teenager at risk to harm himself because he overrates his own force while wrestling kangaroos and crocodiles.


[[Gakuen Hetalia but it's the Academy of fine arts in Vienna and Francypants and Eyebrows are Matthew's parents and thus not there lol]]
          Matthew stood in front of the stairs of the Academy of Fine Arts, his heart racing, not because he was late, he was just in time, no, it was because he was nervous. The 22-year-old was supposed to meet someone here who would guide him a little bit as he had missed the introduction two days prior. He hadn't gotten any information on whom he was supposed to meet, so he just stood there.
          He was wearing a flannel shirt and his cute polar bear themed backpack, he didn't think it was childish, he thought it looked just fine.
          His hand was clenched around a small dictionary English - French - German, just in case he'd have problems, which was most definitely going to happen.
          He looked at the impressive statue of a centaur next to him, there were many people around, though he was larger than most of them, which at least made him more recognisable. There was one taller guy around, platinum blond hair and lilac eyes, almost just like his own. He kept looking around for anyone who was approaching him.


@ PancakeWilliams  
            //That's alright, you don't wanna know how long I need to think for a name
            "Yeah this city is getting more expensive and expensive every year, but I wish you luck"
            She held her cup in one hand and crossed her legs "anyways are there any questions you would like to asked me?" She took the last few sips out of it and looked at him 


            [[Believe me or not, but yes, I did need 15 minutes to pick a nickname for my precious little pokemon
            im replaying alpha saphirre rn]]
            The Canadian blushed, did she imply that she'd understood him in a way that he wanted to move in with her, though among others? "I will, yes" he said out of perplexity. "Right now it's too stressful anyway, there's no way I could be searching for an appartment in a foreign country in my first semester." However, it was probably easier than finding one in Paris, and cheaper as well, it was a thought that gave Matthew at least a little hope for future searches.


            "It still would be expensive, but not as expensive as living alone so that of course could work, in a bit unsure to be honest" she smiled a little at him"you will see it in the future ja"




oh right, Happy pride month : )


//i deeply apologize to everyone for being so inactive here on Wattpad and Instagram
          The time limit on my phone is still killing me 
          I try to update the books, but I can't promise to answer to the rp's soon
          I hope when I get my new phone I'll be able to make here more


@Vienna_aph don't worry about it, take as long as you need to sort things out


It’s ok, take your time 