ICARUS chapter TWO is now posted! Wretched and Divine to follow + another chapter for ICARUS because I’ve already started lol!
Stay posted for news regarding Anarchist, which will likely get an update soon!!
ICARUS chapter TWO is now posted! Wretched and Divine to follow + another chapter for ICARUS because I’ve already started lol!
Stay posted for news regarding Anarchist, which will likely get an update soon!!
ICARUS introduction is now posted! The next chapter should follow soon as I’m breaking up what I already have!
Swan Dance should be up soon as well - I’m about halfway done with the next chapter!
Is it just me or is Jake Abel who you guys picture for Luke Castellan? Like when I’m reading PJO that’s who I see in my head. With Sam Claflin as Hermes.
Yeah Jake is the only Luke for me XD though for me I see Markiplier as Hermes which is a strange choice but I headcanoned him as the fc when I was doing my original mythology story, and I see Sam Claffin as Apollo. However now I see him as both lol