Hello! :3 I know I haven't been active for a long time due to school, work, and college applications. This has caused me to forget about my stories and the fact I have to update them oh so often I also have realized a big mistake on my part which is rushing my stories which caused me to roughen up the story plot or repeat various things in most of my stories. So I've decided that I will finish one at a time. Below I have linked a Google Form to show which story you as the readers would like me to finish first and I will continue the rest of the books in the order most selected after I finish another. All your feedback is very thanked and appreciated. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrApVBAiNxvFyIp-_FYuU7jiNcH6cQm9pGqo1btMmBaZ2qng/viewform?usp=sf_link Thank you beloved reader for waiting and appreciating my work it means a lot to me as a writer.