
Hello friends and followers, so I'm working really hard in my book Gilded Rebel but for some reason I'm finding it hard to write in any of my other stories other then Artificial. When O try to wrote my other stories I have a destination in mind, I know what I want to write bit for some reason I just can't find the motivation to wrote anything else other then my Artificial book series. What do you all want me to do? I already promised a friend I'd update my sao fanfiction but I'm honestly not sure I'll even update it. I haven't dropped it and stopped wrote it's just a lack of motivation. So everyone what's your opinion?


@DJW719 Thanks man, I appreciate your feedback, also remember my story from last year 8108 and you read 2 chapters? It's a finished book now. Not sure if I told ya before or not but just wanted to let you know incase you ever decide to read it again


@VinceVincentm I think you should do what is best for you, you can't force motivation out of nowhere. I felt the same about my romance book on wattpad. I'm not really a fan of romance, but I just wrote it for the views since that genre is most popular, but now I have to force myself to write, when I have other books I want to focus on. If writing a story feels like a chore, forget it and leave it until that motivation returns. 
          	  My honest opinion is that I think you should carry on writing "Artificial" since that's where your motivation is at right now, I should also take my own advice lol. 


Hey. I want to talk to you. just me ands you


@Thereader2921 who are you? Not trying to be rude but it's hard for me to remember names when I'm looking at usernames


Hey, it's been a while, what's up? I'm due to read your story soon.


@DJW719 Oh, haha I get it. I see, that's good you've got a new boss. 
            Fr? I've gotta check them out. Good to speak to you again. 


@DJW719 sorry for late reply by like months. This notification was burried underneath all my other notifications. So I had a amazing boss with a shitty personality, as a employee I have some form of respect even if I didn't like some of his methods and how he treated people, specifically me. His contract has expired finally after several months. I have a new awsome bosses. I pulled a back muscle recently and out of work for 1 more night. As far as books go, I completed 2 books called Artificial and Artificial 2. 8108 was also finished, not sure if I told you bro. I plan on eventually making a sequel because it's going to take multiple books to tell the whole story and I figured it'd be easier on me to do it arc by arc


Hello friends and followers, so I'm working really hard in my book Gilded Rebel but for some reason I'm finding it hard to write in any of my other stories other then Artificial. When O try to wrote my other stories I have a destination in mind, I know what I want to write bit for some reason I just can't find the motivation to wrote anything else other then my Artificial book series. What do you all want me to do? I already promised a friend I'd update my sao fanfiction but I'm honestly not sure I'll even update it. I haven't dropped it and stopped wrote it's just a lack of motivation. So everyone what's your opinion?


@DJW719 Thanks man, I appreciate your feedback, also remember my story from last year 8108 and you read 2 chapters? It's a finished book now. Not sure if I told ya before or not but just wanted to let you know incase you ever decide to read it again


@VinceVincentm I think you should do what is best for you, you can't force motivation out of nowhere. I felt the same about my romance book on wattpad. I'm not really a fan of romance, but I just wrote it for the views since that genre is most popular, but now I have to force myself to write, when I have other books I want to focus on. If writing a story feels like a chore, forget it and leave it until that motivation returns. 
            My honest opinion is that I think you should carry on writing "Artificial" since that's where your motivation is at right now, I should also take my own advice lol. 


Okay so I've tried to update my SAO fanfiction and I do want to update it but right now I just don't have the drive to do it. I have one reader reading my fanfiction and I have more friends that are reading the Artificial book series. I'm not dropping the fanfiction but it ia going on break until I do find the drive to work in it again. I'm working 4 days a week full time hours and I need to find time to balance me time, writing time and work time. Again really sorry and thank you for your understanding 



@lightd6500 glad we came to this agreement 


            Sure, I'll definitely give it a try!


@lightd6500 I don't mind reading your book so long as you read mine


Hey there, how ya doing? I completely forgot about your story, I can't believe it. It's been a month now since I've read, don't think I've abandoned it though, your story is interesting. I will get to reading more when I get the chance to, don't worry. 


@DjW719 you too! Have lots of fun, eat lots of food!


@VinceVincentm At least the Christmas shopping is out of the way, it gets really busy around these times. Sometimes there aren't any presents left in the shops. Glad go hear you're good. Have a uhh, is it merry Christmas or happy Christmas? Whatever it is have a good one! 


@VinceVincentm That's good that it's complete. Congratulations. 


Okay everyone, next chapter concludes the first arc of the story 8108! If you haven't read it, give it read, tell me what you think and vote if you liked it! All that being said once I conclude the arc I'm going to go on a temporary break and start reading my followers's story. After I finish a few books or so I'll hop back on the story


Hey there, how are you doing? Thanks for adding my new book to your reading list.


@DjW719 Okay that's good


@DjW719 Not a bad thing, it's natural I guess.


@DjW719 Is that a bad thing? I mean I get it's bad for cousin because she isn't getting sleep