
The Chandlyn One Shot Stories will be Unpublished and Re-Published and Improved to the New Carnid Dedicated Account.



We are very sorry for the delays on posting the new chapters due to busy at work. Hope you will forgive us. But on the Carnid/Chandlyn version of the story, The Story will Continue and It will never stopped and there will be no more delays.
          It will be published every week or two. But rest assured that the Love Story continues and it will go on.
          New Account:

          New Version of TGOTS Carnid/Chandlyn Edition:


Due to the Current Situation of some of the Stars "In Real Life" including Lou, Andre, Liza and Quen. The Current "The Ghost of the Soldier" will be Halted/Discontinued. But that doesnt mean that we will stop it for good. The Story Continues.
          The Ghost of the Soldier will be Published on a New Account here. 
          New Account:

          New Version of TGOTS Carnid/Chandlyn Edition:

          The Lizquen Version might be posted in Limited Time. 
          But the Carnid/Chandlyn Version will be posted Weekly.
          Thank you for reading the Lizquen Edition of the TGOTS. Until we write again here.
          But for now, Go to the  New Account Link is Above and Enjoy Reading!


To all of my Followers here. I made a New Account for Carnid/Chandlyn and I decided that The Ghost of the Soldier will have its Carnid/Chandlyn Version.
          The Current Version i have Starring Lizquen will remain. The Carnid/Chandlyn Version is a Combination of the Old Version and the New Version. Revised and Improved, Characters Changed but the Love Story Remains the Same.
          The Lizquen Version will have its Update Soon. I was currently busy at my work and this is why i could not update. But i will update soon.


After so many months. I am back. I am busy at work as usual but spend little time on writing TGOTS. But with the Release of new Call of Duty MW2. I am thinking about a New Story.
          It will be focused on Soap and Valeria. I know this is crazy but there is nothing wrong if we are going to try.
          I might going to create Soap and Valeria stories. Two books actually. One is for One Shot Stories and One is a Full Story about Soap and Valeria with MW2 characters are included.
          Stay Updated guys.


In the Lizquen Version, Enrique is Matthew Parker and Liza is Anya Yoon.
          In the Chandler-Katelyn Version, Chandler will be Timothy Allen and Katelyn will be Anne Lewis.
          Matthew and Timothy will remain in the Army Rangers.
          Anya and Anne will be the Destined ones.
          The Current Lizquen Version is a Remake and Revised.
          The Upcoming Chandler-Katelyn Version will be based on the Original Version but will be Remastered like Call of Duty Modern Warfare.