
You put my old Funtime Freddy x reader story in your reading list "no" and i completely agree!! That story is trash and i wish it to burn an die i was gonna delete it due to how bad it is but someone said to not! I've started a new story that's I guess better but my writing skills are trash thank you for acknowledging! I honestly dunno why people keep adding the story to their reading lists can't they see how trash it is? There is no plot nothing makes sense the characters are out of character its cringy and random lots of Grammer and spelling mistakes but oh well it's ment to be a trash story 


@BonDABunZeYEET And farewell too you too, have a great day


@BonDABunZeYEET oh! Well sorry for the Miss conception! And sorry if i sounded rude before- still tho the story is pretty bad and i have re-written it (which i am still writing now) and im sure you could find a lot of female Funtime foxy x male reader I'll be doing a oneshot book soon of a bunch of fandoms (50 chapters for each fandom) and I'll be doing fnaf first you can request it if you want dunno how good I'll be at writing it :/ well hope you have a good day!


@BonDABunZeYEET I'd hate to burst your bubble but I call the reading list no because I'm terrible with names, not because the story's are bad. But keep up the good work and keep trying hard, I'm expecting and hoping for some fem fun time foxy x male reader. So keep up the good work.