
@AmbassadorsIN has added "When His Heart felt Love" and "I M Possible Love" to their "Fan fiction" and "Short Story" reading lists, respectively, and I'm super happy. It feels great, I'm not going to lie. After the official fanfic account, Ambassadors India finally recognised the books that I've worked so hard on. 
          	Here are the reading lists <3


@AmbassadorsIN has added "When His Heart felt Love" and "I M Possible Love" to their "Fan fiction" and "Short Story" reading lists, respectively, and I'm super happy. It feels great, I'm not going to lie. After the official fanfic account, Ambassadors India finally recognised the books that I've worked so hard on. 
          Here are the reading lists <3



Guess what!!!!! My book WHHFL is officially featured by @Fanfic and I can't be happier. Trust me, this is huge and I had been waiting for this for such a long time. Finally, my book is getting the recognition that it deserves. I'm sure more reads are on the way. 
          And all the credit goes to my readers and supporters. Thank you all, my cupcakes. Love you all! ♥️


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I began my YouTube journey again. Since MY YOU has reached 10K, I decided to start uploading the book on YouTube. 
          Also, after uploading, I noticed that 10% of my YouTube audience is in South Korea.
          When I shared it with my mom, she was like: Finally your videos are being watched in your sasural XD
          She's more delulu than me since she accepted Tae as my future husband (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
          Anyways, don't forget to like, share and subscribe if you click on the below given link. Bye-bye cupcakes ❤️


The more I get to know men, the more I hate that breed. I know I might be sounding biased, but somehow, I can't trust men and their breed. Am I the only one? 


@ParkChillin  *' Women are murderers too, don't think all the innocent souls'


@ParkChillin you can't* be a fool in this world


@ViniShah2 @bangtan_boys987 See, according to what you said, my perception is different.
            I am from Kolkata and a few kms away from the Hospital. Not all men are same, and similarly not all Women are same. Idk if y'all know about this or not, a women colleage of the victim was also involved in the murder. 
            Women are murderer too. You can be a fool in this world and trust only females and hate on men. It will turn out that the female you trusted was the one, when the male you hated thinking 'he's also like others' wanted to help you. 
            We need to be safe from and cautious of both- men and women. Not all women are same, not all men are same. 
            'Not all men, but somehow always a men'.
            'Women are murderers too, so don't think all the victims and innocent souls.'


Hello!! I'm the host running the Spring Day Awards and since l've just returned from hiatus i know it's been a while but you won first place in the Taehyung category which means that you are entitled to an interview! If you are still interested then we could either have the interview over instagram or discord or right here if you don't have either. I hope you will be willing to talk to us about your story and writing process.


@ViniShah2 I've sent you message! Reply when you're ready 


@11Min_Min11 hey! I'd be privileged to give an interview.
            Instagram is fine. My id is ViniShah2 