*clears throat*
HEY GUYS! It's me again. I know what you're thinking. Loooong time no see.
So, long story short, I have had a rough two years and writing has inevitably and unfortunately been sidelined as a consequence. I have not, however, given up.
RP is not yet complete nor anywhere near finished. I've simply been on a...hiatus. Alayna and Alexander are still very much alive and kicking, and I have missed them as much as you guys. They will be back, and very soon.
This update is to say that there IS ONE IMMEDIATE UPDATE on the way in the next 24 hours!!! Yay, right?!
AND, from 23RD JUNE, I shall begin what is hopefully a consistent schedule of updates every two or three days, until the book is complete. That date is pretty specific, but that is because it is when i will be at leisure to write at the quality I'm happy with and you guys deserve.
Good news? I hope so.
I will also be, in the meantime, editing the book and the writing from previous chapters simply because i feel like i need to make some tweaks. Don't worry though, the story will stay the same. Although free to re-read the chapters in anticipation for the new ones!
In other news, I also have a few other books planned out and ready, but those will come in due time so please look out for them this summer!
Promise not to disappear again,
L x