
Hey, this is random, but I want you all to check out this website :-) it is a great way to earn quick cash! I have researched it and it is NOT a scam! Give it a try!


Due to my absolute obsession with finishing Reaper's Shade, it wil be the only book I will work on for the next month (unless I get enough comments *wink wink*). Each update day is going to be one chapter every Monday, Thursday, and maybe a bonus on Saturdays.


So, there is this book I have been trying to remember the title of. I read it on here about a year ago and never got to finish it because I accidently deleted it from my library. All I know was that it was a werewolf story about a girl named Whitney that was kept in a pit for years and was rescued by a pack whose Alpha ends up being her mate. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME REMEMBER THE NAME OF THIS BOOK I WANT TO FINISH READING IT!!! :D


Huge thank u to all 8 of my followers, u encouraged me to get my stories published, just by following me! I hope u will all buy my books and enjoy the rest of Echo, Raven, and Renn's journey! Also, small spoiler for the next book, you will get to meet someone very important to Echo and her past,, and 'she' might just have some shocking news about how Finny and Echo know each other...find out is Whisper of the Night :P


Due to future publication releases and copyright contracts, Sounds of Night will no longer be updated. If you all would like to finish reading the story and follow Echo, Raven, and Renn on the rest of their long journey, the ebook for Book One will be release on Amazon in November. If you wish to purchase it, it will be $6.99. The hard copies will be released in March 2015. Hard cover $14.99 and paperback $9.99.


I will be taking a break on The Crystal Garden and Sounds of Night because I want to focus on these two stories that I have been working on. I will be adding them once I have the first five chappies done! Hugs to all my peguins!!!!! (You know who you are.) Also! Shout out to JayDarlington, because your message welcoming me, for some unknown reason, encouraged me to keep posting my stories on here! :D thank you sooo much!!!


The Crystal Garden is dedicated to my seven fans that have stuck with me through my writers block and have supported me for the whole time I have been on Wattpad! You guys know who you are! THANKS A BUNCH!!! I promised that I will try to update my two stories as soon as possible! I have been having some family issues and haven't had time to get around to it. Plus I have been training my horse Blazer for the fair this summer, which takes up about 85% of my time, while school takes up about 10%, which leaves me 5% for other things. Again, thanks guys, your the best :) <3 HUGS, TARDIS KEYS, AND JAMMY DODGERS FOR EVERYONE!!!