

Hey there!!! First of all I'm very sorry for letting my story just hang in middle, I promise I will continue on "Attracted towards him" but I'm really stuck in my daily life. That's so frustrating but I will come out of it anyway and it's my will of writing, so I'll just do it anyway.
          Thanks for the reads.    :))


Hello, look here please.... I finally completed my first ever fanfiction here. Even though I couldn't write as I thought. But I will try better next time and won't repeat same mistake. And I am really thankful and I really appreciate whoever supported me. 
          Now I'm gonna concentrate on other one, who had got more votes, and I still get comments "when will you write next?" I'm gonna continue on that. :-)
          And one more thing if you guys are confused anywhere or see any mistake please inform me, so that I can correct that and make it perfect for you'll. I know I am not that perfect, I am not that good but writing is my passion I really like it I will do more I will work hard I will try my best to be one of those good writers.
          Till then bear with it.