
Hello everyone I will begin posting more of my stories soon so please bear with me I will be taking my time 


Your books are so aesthetically pleasing to read. Angel on earth was one of my favourites . I fell in love with it instantly. Can not wait to read more of your books!


@nadz-essof  omg thank you so much it means a lot <3  I am trying to finish the others as well as soon as I have ideas and time I would appreciate feedback on my stories but that means so so so so much thank you


Thanks for following. Not sure when will read what you have up. But will soon. Hopefully I'll have something up soon.  I just needed ba place other then mibba to post my fan fiction and have just be Ville Valo and not tied to another band I like a lot.


@ViolenttSonatta  Your welcome and thank you! I'll send you private message, unless this how you have message ones that follow you. I have no idea new to being on here!


@MaryAngelValo I cant wait to read your stuff thank you so much for your support