
I've written a one-shot and I posted it on Fan Fiction eheeeee . . .
          	Ciuuuus??? Bagus deh gua males bgt kalo harus belajar smuanya wkwkwk, yg udah pasti bakal gua buang sih fisika juga najis bgt tu pelajaran wkwkwk 
          	Eh tau gak sih masa gua tgl 15 udah dibilang mau ulangan fisika? rese bgt kan . . . rada susah lg 
          	damn damn daaaaaamn


I've written a one-shot and I posted it on Fan Fiction eheeeee . . .
          Ciuuuus??? Bagus deh gua males bgt kalo harus belajar smuanya wkwkwk, yg udah pasti bakal gua buang sih fisika juga najis bgt tu pelajaran wkwkwk 
          Eh tau gak sih masa gua tgl 15 udah dibilang mau ulangan fisika? rese bgt kan . . . rada susah lg 
          damn damn daaaaaamn


@MichelleKo3 yes! finally! notify me when you're done with your works! :D Sorry, but, I don't know any beta reader since I never use one (well, maybe later). 
          Eh tapi Chelle, ada rumor sih yang katany tahun depan gak ada penjurusan jadi bisa milih mata pelajaran sendiri kecuali yang wajib kayak PAK sama PKN dll. I hope it will be like that next year and I won't choose Physics 'til pigs can fly!
          Well, thank you :') I hope you can help me improve my writing by giving some tips though... hehe


@MinuteMaid Since I'm quite in the mood to write in English, sooo here it is . . .
          OH YEAH, after months of unending search . . . I think I've just found my missing willpower to continue my stories!! Hail to the unknown strong-willed spirit that is possessing me right now!! HO-HO-HO. By the way, do you know any good beta reader? I need one, like, asap *cry*
          Buuuuut, truth to be told, the retests in SMAK 1 are easier than the original tests and we, the students, are really, really glad to have those tests . . . yeah, sucks for you, sweet for us ;D
          Actually, I haven't put any thought into that matter, for it's surprisingly confusing to choose between them. The problem is, I LOVE design, meaning IPS would be a great choice . . . buuut, I LIKE IPA too :'(  Simply to put, I'm completely, utterly oblivious to my own future. School be damned. Huh.
          Anywaaaays, I didn't read ALL of your stories, only ones that caught my attention, and I think I like them ;D so, don't worry be happy ;D
          LOTS OF LOVE <3


@MichelleKo3 karna ini lg pagi dan gue males berbahasa inggris... oh well. Chelle, bagaimana cara untuk memotivasimu menulis T_T
          I miss the teachers at p2 too! :D God, they are the best teachers I could ever have! Guru" smak 3 itu... less caring banget bahkan some of it don't care at all. Bener" miris :")
          Emang retests sekolah gua gajelas banget bisa banyak gitu dan soalnya dibikin lebih susah which are useless for what the most students think. I've heard about Smak 1 too dan gua juga turut berduka cita sekaligus senang ada kawan seperjuangan *ngibas bendera* :D Kira" ambil IPA/IPS, chelle?
          Thank you, I'm flattered :') Tapi kemampuan menulis gua masih under averagely good dan btw... LU BACA WORKS GUA?? Huwaa jadi malu. Baru gua mau apus meski sayang tapi yah... sudahlah :p


@MinuteMaid Well, thank you for liking my story, even though honestly, I don't think I write that well because, if you haven't realized it yet, my biggest achievement in writing a continuous story was only until chapter 3 and I'd tried to gather all of my willpower to continue it . . . however . . . the sad truth is . . . I just COULDN'T ;P oh well, I'm like that, so deal with it ;D 
          Oh yeah, I really need your wish coz smuki is all but what I imagined high school life would be :'( It's depressing, stressing, nerve-wrecking and most of all . . . EVIL. 
          How's SMAK 3? I know it couldn't be any better than my school. I've heard about the retests you know, there were like, 4 or 5 subjects altogether, right? As for me, I only got 2 *evil laughing*
          Anyhow, I missed the witty remarks, funny jokes, and interesting lectures our teachers in P2 used to give ;( My current teachers are sooo tedious...


@MichelleKo3 dear, i love when you're talkative 'cause it will be awkward if you aren't so don't bother to apologize. Yes, honestly, I'm still writing but not so much as before because lately, just like you, I prefer reading than writing. They are much more enjoyable. It's a pity though. I love your stories. I'm expecting you to write one in the near future. You could notify me when you do cause I would be pleasured to read them :) 
          Wish you all the best at smuki <3


@MinuteMaid  I'm currently not in the mood to write anything..and I don't think I'm going to coz I'm really, really absorbed in the beauty of reading mwahahaha do you still write? Don't you think it's getting a lil' bit..err..annoying? Especially when you've got this little troublemaker called writer's block? It sucks big time. :P I like it but I like reading better, but...maybe I'll write again sometime in the future ;D Oh, and sorry for blabbing, since honestly, it's been a long, long time 
          Michelle XOXO