

Hey this is me Violet, I have a different account and I will be reporting my current stories on here. I am do terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I will have to transfer everything to the account I am writing this message on. Again I am sorry. Once I have copied and pasted the to this account, I will then continue them. Again I am so sorry for this. I can't but feel terrible and apologize for such a thing but it happened and it is a new year and in a sense new me. So expect a lot from me on this account! Peace out my little demons!
                                Yours Truly,
                                                       Violet Coma


I see you like Black Veil Brides. We are best friends now, haha! Thanks for the follow! :)


@ItzQTPie No thank u for the follow. The problem with writing a BVB fanfic is I cant stick to one theme for it. Any themes would help. Thanks again it is my darkest pleasure to make friends!