
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I been dead for so long. T_T *Hides in corner* 
          	I've been trying to edit TWH  and omg so many things to change. I feel like i have come a long way from how I use to write. I've read up alot on good books and I like to feel maybe I got abit better with my writing lol anyways i edited some of the pages. Still got along way to go. For those reading have fun and laugh at my many mistakes i know i did as well as cringe. OK maybeeee cringe more....


Hi everyone! I'm sorry I been dead for so long. T_T *Hides in corner* 
          I've been trying to edit TWH  and omg so many things to change. I feel like i have come a long way from how I use to write. I've read up alot on good books and I like to feel maybe I got abit better with my writing lol anyways i edited some of the pages. Still got along way to go. For those reading have fun and laugh at my many mistakes i know i did as well as cringe. OK maybeeee cringe more....


I just read your book in less than 4 hours it was amazing dear lord haha 


Haha no it was fine I didn't even notice them 


@becomingANONYMOUS wow. Hahaha im glad u loved it. Sorry if there were many mistakes. I plan to continue my editing ltr on. 


I loved the Writers Heartbreak. The ending was realistic most rejected werewolf stories ended with the one who broke their heart. This one showed how they moved on and thrived !!!


@LittleTisha thank you Tisha :D ya i love stories where they don't end up being back together it's too ugh i can't haha