It is so lovely to have you back on here. Will you be staying long? Are you working at the moment?
@VioletEden - Wow! Amazing! What is your baby called? I hope she is happy and giving you lots of joy. I love babies so much! Changing the subject, my husband is 28% Indian, he took a DNA test some time ago. His great grandmother was an Indian, but we know nothing about her. We can only assume that is great grandfather had an affair and had two daughters, but we are not sure about it. They all came from what is now Pakistan, Hamechel Pradesh up near the Himalayas. There are three English churches there and a great great grandmother of my husband is buried in one of their churchyards! I am going to tell this story sometime when I have a moment to write it. My husband's mother told us nothing about this at and and denied being Anglo Indian. But I found out when my daughter was young as I took her to a Herbalist when she had a problem and he looked into her eyes and saw a dark mark which only Asian people have. My daughter is 12% Indian. She has black Indian eyes and lovely dark, curly hair. Is curly hair Indian? I have never seen an Indian with curly hair, but is it possible? Anyway, so nice to talk to you Amalia and congratulations on your lovely baby! I wish I could come to see her, but I can't. If only you lived around the corner! Ha, ha.
@Polllardii I was hoping I could check in occasionally and nope, I am on a career break of sorts, decided to enjoy my time with my baby for now :)