I'm Raven Pierce. I'm 615 years old.
My favourite singers are: Amy Lee, Elvis Presley, Billy Joel and Tom Walker and Me!
My fav bands: Evanescence, Imagine Dragons, and The Impalas.
My fav colour is Red, Purple, Blue, and my favourite shade is Black! Black and Red.
I am a Rebel, I love teen movies (mum says I can't watch Twilight until I'm 619.) Another four years... My Harry Potter house is Ravenclaw, but I hate the character (Potter). My Faction is Dauntless and Abnegation, but I'm Divergent, so I'm all of them.
I am a Author/Illustrator/Singer/Actress/I also work in the Circus.
I'm a lone wolf.
I'm a fan of TVD and TO, and now Legacies, because TO has finished. ☠
I enjoy talking to my brother, Johnathon Petrova (when he's around), I haven't seen him since 1894. If you are reading this brother, Message me! I miss you! And you too Katherine (sister).
New Orleans: Nik, Rebekah and Elijah! Hate Kol. JoinedOctober 31, 2018