
Hey guys!!
          	I'm baaaaaack!! Hopefully I'll be updating or adding new stories soon. I just wanted y'all to know I'm alive lol. 


It still amazes me on how a simple "hello" or a simple "Have a good day" can change everything. It changes your attitude for the day and makes you a happier person. What have you done today to change someone's outlook? How have you made a difference?


Hey ya'll! I haven't been writing much but I promise I will try to upload a new story sometime soon. I just need ideas. Anyone got any ideas on what kind of story I should write. I want to write a fanfiction. Here are the following ones I want to do.:
          a.) Harry Potter
          c.) Percy Jackson
          Please vote or comment on which one you want me to write!
          Lot of love,


thanks for the follow :) glad to see there's someone around my age that watches NCIS :P xx


my fav has to be Tony! hes brilliant! Abby is actually my idol as well! yeah im in the UK and we heard about it but haven't seen any of them :( im still so upset about Ducky!!


@VioletPage oh! Same! McGee is my favourite character!! And yes Abby is great. Yeah, I did hear it's a shame :/ but because I'm in the UK haven't seen any of the episodes yet! :(


@SolveMyMystery Who is your favorite charecter? Mine is probably McGee or Gibbs for the guys and Abby for the girls. Did you hear about Cote leaving NCIS?