Thanks so much for the follow and for checking out my stories. I hope you’ll enjoy them :)
I’ll check them out most definitely. As far as getting stuck, it happens to everyone. Just let it go a couple days and when inspiration hits write.
@WPutman68 Thanks, and I know what you mean. Check out the two I have posted if you like...well, it's more like a book and a booklet, lol. The booklet has a variety of different things in it, but is a bit short. That one I work on when I'm stuck, and am trying to find my way back to my story. (Gets all teary eyed...sniffles) I even wrote a poem about...(sniffle)...my microwave in it. You'll understand when you read it, lol. Happy reading and writing my friend, and have a wonderful night.
Thank you!!! Yeah I’ve been trying to catch my mistakes, but I’ll try your suggestions. After doing some editing/polishing of my stories I think I’m either going to write a part two of The Black Eyed Children, or begin another I’ve already written a chapter for. And yes, being able to write in all sorts of genera will make you a better writer. I can’t seem to do that lol. It’s either paranormal or nothing lol. Have a great one and please keep in touch!!! :)