hey you.......yes you looking at screen
im kinda a newbe it would mean alot to me if you could take a look at my story, i know that they arent grate cuz i just started writing.......
see if you could tell me what you REALLY think like what im good at and what i need work on that would help SO much.......
because all the people that have read it say like 'good work' or 'keep going' but that dont help me get better so i would be really thankful if you did this...
Hey could you send me chapter 8 .. i know its r rated .. but i kinda feel like im not getting the whole story . thankyouu .. p.s you are an amazing writer :)
This is my email >> ambreen.garshiya@yahoo.co.uk
your number one fan right here :) i love your story and the ending was so cute im kinda mad daniel didnt get a better sentance but hey im still a happy camper. I was so so so so so excited to hear your writting another book to it :) i cant wait.
I noticed you're a new member..
so WELCOME to the world of WORDS...!
Will you please check out my story?
comment and vote!!
tell me wat u think!!! hope you enjoy them!!! peace!!! X)
Ok fans, I have been working on Chapter 15! Sorry it's taking so long, but I have been working all week! I will have it posted tonight or tomorrow. I want to get it done before I go out of town this weekend!