
I am proud to announce that the first chapter of my NaNoWriMo project, Guardians of Gulhiem, is now available to read. I hope you all enjoy. I should be able to update every week.


I have to come clean: I have a hard time sticking to one main story for a long period of time. My mind often wanders from project to project, often creating new ideas while I am in the middle of writing another. I try my best to stick to my works and update them, and I thank you guys for sticking around and dealing with my scattered brain. I will make an effort to update my works, but there will be times where I post new stories and focus on those for a while.


I have said this before, but clearly people can't seem to understand, so I'll say it again: Please stop sending me creepy messages. Lately, all of my new followers have been sending me messages such as "Hey dear" or "Hello darling". Stop it. I am NOT here to message guys, I am NOT here to date, and I am certainly NOT here to hook up with anyone. I am simply here to share my stories. From now on, when I receive a message starting with "Hey dear" or "Hello cutie", that message WILL be deleted. 
          On a positive note, book 1 of Dragon's Keep is coming along. But I just started my new job, so updates will be slower than I would like.


I think it's about time to address this ongoing issue that has been happening to me for about maybe six months now. Lately, I have received some fairly odd messages from guys, mainly saying the same thing, such as "hello beautiful", "Hello gorgeous", and other messages along those lines. I'm going to come out and say it:: STOP SENDING ME THESE MESSAGES.
          I am not here to date and/or flirt. I am here to simply post my work and read. I am very uncomfortable with these weird messages, and I will be reporting any that come into my inbox in the future.


Hello hello everyone. I'm so sorry for not posting for so long. I've been suffering from Burnout, and haven't felt like myself for the past few months. But, I'm now back in the game and am motivated to continue working on UnNatural, so keep an eye out for updates on that. Chapters 4 and 5 have been posted, with more to come soon.


Hey there, everyone. Sorry for being inactive on here lately, but I've been focusing on other projects. I am currently working on a YouTube series called F is for Family over on my channel Violet_Windess. If any of you are interested in low fantasy found family, then please go check my series out. I am also thinking of turning it into a series here on Wattpad once the first season is finished. Again, if you would like to support the series over on YouTube, my channel is Violet_Windess. Please stay safe, and have a wonderful afternoon.