
I am not dead yet people, i am just having my finals once again  which has me burnt out so badly that i can't seem to write the new chapters down. I promise i will update somehow or the other as soon as I get done with my exams


Hi! I love your sky castle story so much. Just wondering if it’s discontinued?


Ah i understand. I just wanted to say that I love the book And don’t stress over it your education is more important❤️


@imklhjmkthjjkbgcj oh hi, no it's not. It's just that i am having some issues related to my education so I've put writing on a side for a while now. Don't worry I definitely have plans for updating soon


I am not dead yet people, i am just having my finals once again  which has me burnt out so badly that i can't seem to write the new chapters down. I promise i will update somehow or the other as soon as I get done with my exams


Just a small update: i am currently having college exams right now so i haven't been able to write as much as i wanted to. After the exams that end by 22nd, I'll probably be back on schedule to start writing again
          I will be prioritising Amelioration to be completed first and not update Hostimentum before that.
          I am having a bit of issues with deciding what to do with the plot of Hostimentum and i am honestly loosing interest in the story. I will try my best to continue it but if ultimately if it doesn't work for me I'll discontinue the book.
          Sorry for not being able to update as much as i could.


Hey beautiful! Thanks for the follow! Hope you meet good people today;)


@potato_by_profession Oh lingling this is too funny 


Hi guys. I know I haven't updated in a while but honestly writer's block is being a bitch. On top of that, things are getting too confusing here related to college admission stuff and I am having issues with leaving certificate. So I would like to apologise for the delay but I promise that once everything settles down properly, I will update both Amelioration and Hostimentum. Hope you all are fine. Don't forget to drink water or I will hunt y'all down. See you soon <3


So my college decided that the first prelim wasn't enough for them to decide our scores with hence they are taking mcqs finals from 28 to 30 June. Since our boards got cancelled we will be graded on this prelim and our internals so I don't think I can update this week too.