
Move on! You can do it.


Period kali ni memang mengganggu emo betul laa..
          Emo tak tentu arah..
          Dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang membuatkan emo lagi jadi tunggang langgang..
          I need to calm and reorganise back my emo and thinking..
          Kalau korang datang period, emo korang camne?? Ok tak?


I'm sorry.


@sirah1109s hahha..ok sarah i dm u


@amershawn don't know hownto explain it. Well, just call me sirah. Ira is belongs to oldest sister. Hahaha


Sorry for just jumping onto your profile, I'm a multi-genre author writing mostly 18 + romances and I'm trying to expand my reach. 
          If this genre is of interest to you I have several completed books on my page and new things being released all of the time if you'd like to check them out. 
          I also have a Book Guide on my page that had tons of information on most of my works and is a good way to see what, if any of my books are right for you at a glance. 
          If this isn't something you're interested in please simply disregard this message but regardless thank you for taking the time to read it. 


@MJWrites91 i will. Thank you!