Hi, I am probably not gonna see the internet for a while so I would like to explain why and also say bye,
Anyways we teacher called my mum and gave her her phone number so all I know is that it’s important. I might have to end it mid typing I hear foot steps. Anyways ya I don’t k ow what the frick I did but it is something bad. Very very bad. I am scared. I don’t k ow what it is which makes it worse. I will find out tmr but all I know is that is has to do with Friday, we took a test and there was not teacher, I think it probably has to do with that, there was also no sub but apparently I am the only one who’s mum she called. I am scared and about to shite myself. Please help. I was a good child on Friday, I didn’t even cheat on the test! There was not teacher or sub, I could have but I didn’t! I am in some pretty fuckking huge trouble and I don’t know why. Goodbye for the next ten years, for a reason I may never know and you will all probably never get to know as my mum is gonna kill me, goodbye, I have had some great moments here and I regret nothing, scratch that, I regret a lot but these have been the best moments of my life, goodbye and I wish you all well. Thanks for everything that has changed my life for the worst but in my perspective better.