Keep santuy! ✨
🎶 Daughter of Apollo 🏹

🐾"Show not Tell"
Mau jalan² ke instagram dan twitter aku? silahkan ke @virgomajor yaa♏

"If there is a book you want to read but it isn't Written yet, WRITE it."
- Shel Silverstein

Aku ini antara ada dan tiada di dunia oren, jarang yang tau, Hanya bisa menjadi bayangan dan berdiri sendiri (;∀;)

One day, in the far-far away,,
I just wanna make a Good-ass story where we will laughing, struggling, sobbing, and juggling on the floor together ヽ('▽`)/
No? Oh well, maybe that just me. Idc.

But any way, it's just one day.
Yep, One day.... └(^o^)┘.
And Today is not that Day T_T
When? Idk
Tomorrow? Maybe.. but not today, Mr .Weasley


✔ I Hate Cannibalism. Aku juga ngga hobi gigit orang. So, Ngga perlu mikir dua kali untuk menyapaku kawan :D

✔Kebiasaan Baca Novel Terjemahan, Jadi Terkadang lebih suka Cerita pake bahasa Formal :) -Ala" terjemahan gitu, eaa gasehO_o

✔ Sometimes I prefer physical books, because it's hard for me to read by phone -that's kinda make my eye sweating n stingy, Thats hurt (;ω;)-no that's why it took me an ages to finish reading a wattpad story. But i still love it tho (^_^) just crossing finger

Mau jalan² ke instagram dan twitter aku? silahkan ke @virgomajor yaa♏ #P.E.A.C.E
Tus-o Idro-e Jaq-ou ♥
  • Groot's Armpit
  • JoinedJune 23, 2015

Last Message
VirgoMajor VirgoMajor Feb 24, 2019 01:12PM
Terlalu sibuk dgn Bookstagram( ゚∀ ゚)itulah sebabnya saya jarang —sangat amat jarang— mampir baca di Wattpad (´ヮ`)ngomong², mampir ke bookstagramku yaa @virgomajor namanya ≧▽≦Oke? oke sipp ﹋o﹋ ha.h...
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