I decided I really would like to complete writing Not-So High School Sweethearts [fanfic] so I'm currently halfway into writing chapter 17 so here's the chapter list:
1: Without Them
2: Boombox
3: Hey Hun
4: Sweet As Sugar
5: Her Cries
6: Near the Cherry Blossom Tree
7: Turning Sideways
8: Low Profile
9: Good Times, Sad Days
10: Not Enough Time
11: Bruised
12: What's Done is Done
13: To Kill A Demon
14: I Want To Be Dreaming
15: Our Happy Moments
16: She Glows In The Moonlight
17: Blood on the Back
18: Trapped and N---(1)
19: Trapped and N--- (2)
20: He's A Dim Light In the Darkness
21: Amnesia
22: A Not-So High School Sweetheart Couple
An epilogue is in question and might be likely. Chapters 18-19 are bleeped out because I don't wanna get reported on here but the word would be shown when released with a warning given in the previous chapter. You can see the moments it went dark lol....