Hello, everyone! Here's a little life update. I'm going back to school to get my teaching license and a bachelor's degree. Right now, I'm studying for the entrance exam I have to take. It's really tough, but I'm taking it one day at a time. :) I will continue to post The Toll chapters weekly, so don't worry!
Since I am now mainly filling my days with work and studying, I also have started a few new hobbies to lighten my mood and give me something to look forward to in the day. This is very important, to anyone else who is feeling overwhelmed with online school or working long hours! Please find hobbies you love and spend a few minutes a day doing them. It helps you relax and reminds your brain and heart that there is life outside of school and work. My hobbies are embroidery and making baskets out of pine-needles. I am teaching myself both (mostly with Youtube videos). I love that teach time I pick up the needle, I can see a little bit of improvement. It's so fun, and I don't have to think about studying math or creating lesson plans while doing it! :)
Let me know if you guys are starting any new hobbies in the new year! I'd love to hear what you enjoy! You can even tell me about old hobbies you're continuing! Tell me your thoughts on your hobby, or how it helps you get through tough times! :)