
How's it going people, xD it's been a while, Aye? Guess what, I've been busy... With being a senior in high school, and looking up colleges... Unfortunately I'm afraid of getting rejected by everyone, so I'm afraid of incorrectly filling out applications and such. Luckily I've got my dad who tells me "if all else fails, you can always join the military." Thanks, D,D But that doesn't make it any better. Especially since I had said something like "I was thinking about joining the airforce," and you've been pushing it ever since because neither of your other children (his other two daughter who both have kids) either didn't or couldn't join the military. Anyways, I'll try and update again soon... Sorry, I've just been having serious writers block lately... Plus I'm trying to write an actual book to see if it could be published... Lol, like that will ever happen, but hey, gotta dream big~! :) It may or may not happen, and I'm okay with that. It's only 290 something pages anyways, it's been a month or two since I started writing it, so maybe it'll be good, or maybe it won't. Life goes on. And all that. I'll try to update tomorrow, Enjoy your school year/ this year of work, Whatever it is you're doing xD


How's it going people, xD it's been a while, Aye? Guess what, I've been busy... With being a senior in high school, and looking up colleges... Unfortunately I'm afraid of getting rejected by everyone, so I'm afraid of incorrectly filling out applications and such. Luckily I've got my dad who tells me "if all else fails, you can always join the military." Thanks, D,D But that doesn't make it any better. Especially since I had said something like "I was thinking about joining the airforce," and you've been pushing it ever since because neither of your other children (his other two daughter who both have kids) either didn't or couldn't join the military. Anyways, I'll try and update again soon... Sorry, I've just been having serious writers block lately... Plus I'm trying to write an actual book to see if it could be published... Lol, like that will ever happen, but hey, gotta dream big~! :) It may or may not happen, and I'm okay with that. It's only 290 something pages anyways, it's been a month or two since I started writing it, so maybe it'll be good, or maybe it won't. Life goes on. And all that. I'll try to update tomorrow, Enjoy your school year/ this year of work, Whatever it is you're doing xD


So, I think that people shouldn't take my stories so literal. I mean c,mon, stereotypes are perfect for stories. But that does not make them true.... Alright? So people who are offended by some stupid minor detail I put in my stroies, can to f*** themselves~


So, my few fans, I apologize if my stuff gets sad sounding... Someone important to me died this morning.... I didn't even get to say good bye to her. Even though she's not even family to me, and I don't know her that well. I cried harder than I thought I would. Ha, I bawled my eyes out. I feel so bad for my step mom. Anyways, I'm gunna go write... Doesn't mean I'll post a new chapter though... Even if you don't read this, I'm glad I could vent somewhere..