
so I will be updating my story because why not so yh hope you enjoy 


So sorry  for letting you all down wont be updating for a while as too much is going on right now so sorry for being a failure


@Dest2005Xx you are not a failure. You have to take time for yourself in order to be at your best. If stuff is going on you deserve to take a break. Anyone who disagrees does not deserve to be apart of your life. You know what's best for yourself


I just wanted to post this message not only backing the other authors but because I 100% back this. Im asking as most of you know of the recent event's that have went on within Roadtrip if u dont know Andys Insta story,  send your condolences but not to muvh as he dosrnt want it brought up but please please do not put whats happend in your books the same for Brook becaysr that is not yours to write about and its very personal...  But I hope everyones ok and my resoect is with his family Xxx thank you