
))((ello t)(ere! Are you Ot)(amo, Sir? My mot)(er, t)(e temporary Empress of my empire, )(as requested your presence in t)(e royal court. But do not stress; I daresay s)(e will simply l∞k elsew)(ere if you do not s)(ow up. 8:)


            ( @AlchemicAxolotl / @Oil-Slick-Hues )
            y⊙u want me as y⊙ur pers⊙nal entertainer? i thought I c⊙uld smell the plum scented fuchsia bl◎‿◉d ⊙n y⊙u. unf⊙rtunately, I'm n⊙t sure if the ringmaster w⊙uld be t◎‿◉ pleased f⊙r me t⊙ leave the tr⊙upe - when I d⊙ my sh⊙ws, I n⊙rmally get a decent am⊙unt ⊙f views fr⊙m the tr⊙lls in the surr⊙unding area, and I'm pretty sure m⊙rdant ("d⊙nt tell him i called him that. im n⊙t adding his stupid title.") w⊙uld prefer t⊙ keep th⊙se ratings.
            alth⊙ugh... id be a little m⊙re swayed t⊙ dem⊙nstrate my skills if y⊙u'd let me take an⊙ther perf⊙rmer with me, if y⊙u did ch◎‿◉se me. 
            ( resends it bc i made too many mistakes


( @AlchemicAxolotl )
            yes, i am ◎tham◉ ⊙culus.. the temp⊙rary empress y⊙u say? the r⊙yal c⊙urt? why w⊙uld she need a traveling tr⊙upe puppeteer like I? d⊙n't get me wr⊙ng, i'd be pleased t⊙ c⊙me visit, but its a little... fishy, d⊙nt y⊙u say?


;, i @m sensing @ new presence.....
          ;, who goes there ?????!!!!!


( @euphoricBouquet )
            : tar⊙t, y⊙u say? hm... I will be h⊙nest, I've never dabbled much in it. I've th⊙ught ab⊙ut it, but n⊙wadays I'm far t◎‿◉ busy. 


            ;, it is @ ple@sure to be in your @qu@int@nce, oth@mo !!!!!!! 
            ;, s@y ,,,,, do you by ch@nce h@ve @ny interest in the t@rot ??????? 


( @euphoricBouquet )
            : well n⊙w that I kn⊙w y⊙u're just being friendly ... my name is ◎tham◉ ⊙culus! a pleasure t⊙ meet y⊙u!   