
New chapter of Public Relations two days early because it felt like it's been way too long without an update! Next week, we'll return to our regular Saturday weekly updates


Hi, Vivian! I finished reading Broken Rules today and I can’t stop thinking about it. It blew me away! Your storytelling is exceptional and it kept me hooked till the very end. Thanks for sharing it with the world! Can’t wait to read your other books ♥️
          P.S. Is there any chance you accept translation requests? I’d love to translate Broken Rules into Polish. It’s literally the definition of a summer must-read and I believe it deserve more love & wider audience. Of course, I’d give you full credit and respect all your wishes regarding translation process. 
          Please consider my offer.  
          You can contact me here or via Instagram (@/fleanrs) and X (@/fleanrs). 
          P.P.S. I have a feeling Too Close by Next is gonna be my most listened to song this month! Oops!


Messaged you on IG ❤️


Hi everyone, just a reminder — no new chapter of Public Relations this weekend. Spent all week writing away, trying to catch up. Fingers crossed, we’ll be back on track next week with Maisie and August’s first official fake date!
          If you haven’t started Public Relations yet, now’s the perfect time to catch up! Leave a comment and vote, and let me know how you’re liking it so far!


New chapter of Public Relations is out! After a crazy June, I'm officially caught up on all written chapters. And I think I’m going to take the next week or two to write a handful of chapters at the same time, so there may not be a new chapter this week or next. I just want to make sure they all flow seamlessly, especially after this last chapter feeling a bit rushed.
          Anyways, I'll be here writing for the rest of July and hopefully have something new out soon!


Okay, it seems I have a lot of mid-week announcements these days, but…
          Wow, firstly, Broken Rules got reviewed on the @romance account, which was such a surprise! Huge thanks to @SueLou66 for the review and your kind words! Check it out if you get the chance!
          Secondly, I’m headed to Lake Chelan, the place that actually based Broken Rules in, for the next few days! So, I’ll probably be signing off here during that time.
          BUT I’m super excited for Saturday’s chapter of Public Relations! Things are heating up between Maisie and August, and I can’t wait for you all to read it!