Alright a heads up to my current people following me for updates about one of my old stories, I know it has been years since I've actually updated anything and well a lot could use some work. I will decide to finish and start working on them again soon, which I'll be bringing in new ones as well. The newest story I'm working on is called Deep Inside My Soul, which on the roleplay group I'm running I decided to call it Relinquishing Barriers. I currently have members roleplaying as some of the characters from it and I'm not really going to do it exactly how the roleplayers in my roleplay group for that fandom in this new story of mine. Although if you want you can check out the way they portrayed some of the characters I wrote or well let them decide on how the character should be since it will be a bit of what you can expect from that new story. Now for current stories I've written, were about to write, or cancelled that you want to see completed then feel free to notify me and I will work on starting it fresh, hoping to make it better than it was before. So now that I'm older and had more experience writing I can add on to details and make the chapters longer than before. I look forward to getting this account back and running with many new stories for you all, but first of course I'd need some input on which of my stories are worth having completed. The rest not picked will be uncompleted, deleted, or left alone. Also if you love to write as much as me and enjoyed my writing and ideas for stories, then if you are interested in writing/roleplaying together then let me know. Be sure to clarify though if you want to write a story to be posted here together or just simply roleplay type of writing for fun like I do on my roleplay accounts like for the show American Horror Story as Madison Montgomery. Well I think that is all I have to say, so I look forward to hearing from you all.
- Pearl