
More   extra funds  given  to  communities  giving   animals  second chance of life  world wide .  Time that  world authority  did something  about  scams  all types  there is never jail time  or accountability   payments  back scam  victims  around the world. 


More   extra funds  given  to  communities  giving   animals  second chance of life  world wide .  Time that  world authority  did something  about  scams  all types  there is never jail time  or accountability   payments  back scam  victims  around the world. 


TIme for humanity   wise up   to the untruthful   telling  big lies  told by mainstream media sites   worldwide.  More  freedom of speech  when people seek out truthfully  information  about everything  subjects,   shall  not be kept  silent   by  governments and local authorities  around the world. 


I hope this year  there more accountability  both local authorities  local governments  local communities  telling untruthfulness  , white lies   people should be allowed  seek out the truth  keeping  hidden  from us  .  The governments  worldwide  are in no hurry  help out scams victims  like myself  turn a blind eye  to world wide  scams happening  around the world .there should be team efforts  bring down scams  world  all areas  commenced  now    free education systems  freedom of choices school subjects  not just for gifted students.  More free mentoring programs  provides  at primary school high school  colleges  tafe   put in place worldwide  this year,


People should  watch out for all scams  types   like money scams  investments  scams   fake fashion blogs  asking for  money payments   i  observed  today  hopefully   the world  takes notice. High time  criminals   doing  all scams  types efforts  everyone  world wide  jail for life  full paid out  compensation  to  all people got scammed  from next year. 


Happy holidays    ceasing  all  wars  currently  worldwide   working  together creating   harmony  peace gratitude . STop telling big lies  untruthful keeping   secrets  governments  relationships  families  or friends when I seek out  truthfully  from common  subjects like many people.  Free education  options  at all school levels worldwide   ending this over priced  school  fees  enough is enough. Equal opportunities  for all school students  not just the gifted students  get free pass  do their favourite  subjects  ceased  this labelling process   kids  at schools  its  injustices  by school education worldwide.  Equal opportunity for both girls and boys  drive own car  make own decisions to get education  go work  or have online stores  from home  time break down  barriers  old ways presently  in non western  countries  women  have no rights human rights  wrongs must made accountable  .worldwide  .


Lack  of  freedom  of choices  regarding   all  wrestling  shows   Netflix. Is a total  rip off  sending many people broke  from doing regular  payments  with Netfix  each month   I put forward    there should  free streaming  of all sports codes   types worldwide. I am  very disappointed  that  Netfix  is calling the shots  on www wrestling  shows  next  year. Bad lemons   for many people  whom  dnt what   be forced  payments  viewing   wrestling  shows   2025   free sports  viewing  both television programs  and online  apps  computers  or tablets world wide  next year also the future.   It's  high time   world working together  solving many  common problems  like housing affordability   , clean drinking water   ceasing  discrimination   of girls  not allowed equal education systems  opportunities  like boys  currently  across the world.  Both  Boys ,girls  shall  freedom choices  drive own car like in Western countries.   The humanity rising up  higher energy vibration   darkness  by three dimension  earth energy  system  will rapidly  be gone  future universe  peace  betraying  big lies  going be made accountable  truthfully  respectful forgiveness gratuitous  no more echo  selfish  by governments and sports people,   Hidden untrue  secrets   from friends and families going come out truthfully  all common subjects.  Every one  has their pathways  journeys  in life .


This  wokeness  across  the world  has gone  over drive  these past  years , The freedom  to express   truth  both  online   media. Sites are silence  about many subjects which effects all  humans at our future planet  Earth. I Believe  there should be 5 judges  on  the Voice Australia  this year  adding  alternative  rock  or heavy rock ,roll.  Gives  it more earn  playing field  when judging  at Australian  the voice this year.  I am currently  breaking  down barriers in the fashion industry  being  a VEGAN. VINTAGE  Fashion  designer  creating  jewellery designs and textiles  designs   using fake leather, different semiprecious  beads    soft patterns  cushions styles. I feel greatness  doing   meditation  every day  helps  me clarify  common issues   solving  them  stress free.   I found  best workout  that is not stressful  dnt cost dollars  is  fitness.  Tai chi   4 times  per week  . There should  be  free education  all education programs  courses  from primary school  high schools  after leaving school  courses both in Australia also the world.  It's high time  the world leaders   working together helping removing rubbish  inside   lakes  , dams waterways  Oceans  rivers   , beaches  streets  which is damaging  our beautiful     ending   this dangerous   needles vacations   around the world  enough  is enough give back freedom to the human  souls.  Those whom are wrongly  gone to  jail  for seek out the truth  must get full compensation  where in Australia  or world wide  this year. I say no to wind power energy system   both  rural properties,  coastlines across. Many countries   very noisy    killing  off  many birds  , small to medium  mammals  living  nearby . New future  energy system  is coming  to Future earth dimensions   in a few years  times.