you are all either gonna very annoyed with me, or you are gonna be excited. At some point today do not be surprised to see a new novel on my page, I could not go to sleep to save my life last night, and in my tosing and turning a did what I do worst and spent a good three hours scrolling on AI sites, and one conversation I had on their. Well it spawned a new novel idea that got me working on a outline of it for another hour before I feel asleep. So at some point today, a new novel will appear on my page. I will not forget my other ones, but just something else, a bit more based in the real world, a bit of a little space adventure. you have to wait to see more details today but I can give you the title.
My Mommy Roommate, My Daughter Roommate. A spanking novel. Hope you give it a look, and once that first chapter is out, do not worry, I will finish my promised 4 chapters of Four spanko heroes this week, we have one more to complete that promise.