Hello everyone, I've got a bit of a scary update... I don't usually (or ever) share my personal life on here, but early this morning my mum had to be rushed into hospital due to a severe lung infection and heart failure. She's currently in hospital and in good hands, but obviously it's all absolutely terrifying for me, I can't imagine losing my mum ever. I'm going to try update chapters when I can (I have some imagines already written), but updates will come a lot slower since I'm in no mood to write, or have the energy to even think. I know most of you will be understanding, and for that I thank you so much. Also, I appreciate the kind words in advance, I probably won't reply but I promise I'll see them and I'm grateful for them. Hopefully my next announcement will be much happier ♡
@Vo0do0_Qu33n Sending your family, especially your mum lots of good vibes and I hope that she has a speedy recovery. I have been following you for years now I think and your work has improved so much, you're very talented <3 take your time to post and feel no stress about updating
I hope your mom has a safe recovery and I’m so sorry that happened to her. Take your time to post whenever you need, we’re always here ❤️