
Hi evereryone, I hope you are all okay, this time I bring exciting news! 
          	First of all, thank you so much to everyone who sent well wishes for me and my mum, thankfully she's now doing much better and came home at the end of December. 
          	Secondly, I'm not yet taking requests per se, but I'd love to hear some of your ideas for different imagines/scenarios, smuts, RE scenes you want to see, or any AU's. I'll pick out a few (or maybe write them all eventually) and post them when I can! 
          	As always, I appreciate all the support, and love to see any comments on my chapters. Thank you! ♡ 


Yayyy, so glad to hear the news about your mom!!


So happy to hear about your mom, great news! 


Hi evereryone, I hope you are all okay, this time I bring exciting news! 
          First of all, thank you so much to everyone who sent well wishes for me and my mum, thankfully she's now doing much better and came home at the end of December. 
          Secondly, I'm not yet taking requests per se, but I'd love to hear some of your ideas for different imagines/scenarios, smuts, RE scenes you want to see, or any AU's. I'll pick out a few (or maybe write them all eventually) and post them when I can! 
          As always, I appreciate all the support, and love to see any comments on my chapters. Thank you! ♡ 


Yayyy, so glad to hear the news about your mom!!


So happy to hear about your mom, great news! 


Hello everyone, I've got a bit of a scary update...
          I don't usually (or ever) share my personal life on here, but early this morning my mum had to be rushed into hospital due to a severe lung infection and heart failure. She's currently in hospital and in good hands, but obviously it's all absolutely terrifying for me, I can't imagine losing my mum ever. 
          I'm going to try update chapters when I can (I have some imagines already written), but updates will come a lot slower since I'm in no mood to write, or have the energy to even think. I know most of you will be understanding, and for that I thank you so much. 
          Also, I appreciate the kind words in advance, I probably won't reply but I promise I'll see them and I'm grateful for them. 
          Hopefully my next announcement will be much happier ♡ 


@Vo0do0_Qu33n omg sorry this is late but hope your mom is okay and makes a full recovery  


@Vo0do0_Qu33n Praying from Canada Amy


@Vo0do0_Qu33n Sending your family, especially your mum lots of good vibes  and I hope that she has a speedy recovery. I have been following you for years now I think and your work has improved so much, you're very talented <3 take your time to post and feel no stress about updating 


          The first three parts of my fifth Leon Kennedy are out now!  Updates might be slower compared to how they used to be, but my aim is to try publish an imagine at least every 3-4 days. 
          I've recently thought of a fun game we could all play instead of requests, since I love my creative freedom, but I also like to give you all what you want to read. More to come on this in the future.
          Thank you for your excitement since my announcement of coming back, I can't wait to be back with you all! ♡ 


@Vo0do0_Qu33n OMAGA. After arcane and life, I wasn't  expecting this. Thank you, GAL 


Yea omg finally came back!!




heLlo Everyone, hOw are you all doiNg? 
          It'S been a really weird month for me, and i'm not going to lie, i've really missed writing, and more speCifically, fOr a character i thought i didn't love anyMore. I know a lot of others might be feeliNg upset or unsteady in the weird world we're livinG in right now, and i'm right there Beside you. Along with some personal things going on, i have really needed the Comfort, so i may or may not have been secretly working on something i said i'd given up on. here's the Kicker; 
          it's beginning saturday 23rd of november! 
          °•☆•°Can you find my secret message and work out who i'm talking about?°•☆•°


@Vo0do0_Qu33n I was grounded again and everytime I come back I check ur acc, tyy


OMG THIS LITERALLY MADE MY DAY(sorry for noticing it just now, been busy T-T)


LEON YESSSS!!! BABY BOY IS COMING BACK RAHHHH! I'm so glad, I really missed your Leon imagines. I'm not gonna lie, you're one of the best Leon writers I've ever known and you're my favorite Leon writer^^


Hii, i was wondering if you could please do a stressed boyfriend smut of y/n wanting to destress him and make him forget about his work and she is dominant in the first round but gives up and lets Leon use her as he sees fit. Gentle aftercare too please


@thephaseyougothrough Hi, sorry I'm not taking requests anymore! ♡ 


Hi again! Can I request another one? I don't know if you have already watched the movie "Tarot" but can you make another AU inspired by the scene where they got to the climax of the story? I'm not gonna spoil it in case you haven't watched it. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


@Kagura_semsei Hi, sorry I've never seen it or heard of it, so I probably won't be able to write it or do it justice! ♡ 