
On the 17th of December we lost someone named Jonghyun. He was special to many people and it's sad that he died to suicide. We don't what went through his mind that he figured suicide was the way out but we can't reverse time and we must send our prayers to hevean. I hope he is happy up there and let's not let another person die of suicide. If you have these thoughts I am always open if you want to talk. My prayers to Shinee, to Jonghyun's family and to all his fans. Let's all stay because that is what he wanted. I love you Jonghyun❤


@VocalMonsterIsReal *We don't know* and *Let's all stay happy*


On the 17th of December we lost someone named Jonghyun. He was special to many people and it's sad that he died to suicide. We don't what went through his mind that he figured suicide was the way out but we can't reverse time and we must send our prayers to hevean. I hope he is happy up there and let's not let another person die of suicide. If you have these thoughts I am always open if you want to talk. My prayers to Shinee, to Jonghyun's family and to all his fans. Let's all stay because that is what he wanted. I love you Jonghyun❤


@VocalMonsterIsReal *We don't know* and *Let's all stay happy*


Hey guys so i'm putting my "Lycan or Human" book on hold. I havent been writing the first few months since i last updated because of school work but now I have writers block so i will update when im ready, sorry but if you ant to read something i do have my other account ehich is about kpop fanfics. again im so sorry.


@XxCrazyWeirdosxX    Your welcome, i guess lol :)