I'm trying to get on a weekly update basis so I'm writing chapter 18 of glk and it's.... got some.... stuff. LOL idk if it's like too inappropriate bc I've never actually written anything like this, soooooooo idk if I'm like gonna get in trouble with wattpad or with some parents (does that even happen?) I just super hate getting in trouble which is like why I never do anything bad I just lay in bed and eat with my friends lol. So anyway, I'm letting you all know I'm setting the next chapter to private and if you get this message it shouldn't be a problem for you to read it, it's more for like privacy and junk like that, idk! I just feel better doing it (oh jeez I hope it's not to smutty (8___8)) it's probably not, but to my standards it is ok i'm rambling bye, guise :)