
Okay, I meant to do this a bit ago, but I have been busy.  But I am doing it now, so it is all cool!
          	Right-y, so something happened to GonKilluLuciel’s account if you want to find them, they are on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) under the same name (So GonKilluLuciel), they have an Instagram account too, but I don’t know their name there, maybe just look up GonKilluLuciel on there or something.  Their discord is also GonKilluLuciel#6801 and their backup account on Wattpad (I think) is GonKilluLuciel1.  So if you want to know where to check them out and follow them and stuff while/since something happened to their Wattpad account, you can go to those places.  
          	K, that is what I wanted to say!  Have a nice day/night everyone!  I hope whatever is going on with Wattpad fixes itself or something.  Luckily, I already have other sites I can use besides Wattpad for my fics and accounts set up there.  But still, I have met a lot of nice people on Wattpad, so whatever going on with Wattpad is just not great at all.  K, that is all I wanted to say for right now.  See ya!  =)


Okay, I meant to do this a bit ago, but I have been busy.  But I am doing it now, so it is all cool!
          Right-y, so something happened to GonKilluLuciel’s account if you want to find them, they are on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) under the same name (So GonKilluLuciel), they have an Instagram account too, but I don’t know their name there, maybe just look up GonKilluLuciel on there or something.  Their discord is also GonKilluLuciel#6801 and their backup account on Wattpad (I think) is GonKilluLuciel1.  So if you want to know where to check them out and follow them and stuff while/since something happened to their Wattpad account, you can go to those places.  
          K, that is what I wanted to say!  Have a nice day/night everyone!  I hope whatever is going on with Wattpad fixes itself or something.  Luckily, I already have other sites I can use besides Wattpad for my fics and accounts set up there.  But still, I have met a lot of nice people on Wattpad, so whatever going on with Wattpad is just not great at all.  K, that is all I wanted to say for right now.  See ya!  =)


Yay, finally figured out how to do background and profile pictures.  I honestly thought all of the pictures I was finding just weren't working as pfps for some reason here, or that maybe I was just being stupid.  
          But now I realized that I when I pick at least my profile picture (sometimes BG too) that it doesn't show up in the editing  profile section (the BG does this too, just not as much as when trying to pick my new pfp), but will show up when I go out of editing and back to my regular profile.  
          I feel stupid now, I gave up trying to do a pfp for awhile, because it wasn't showing up no matter how many times I tried to choose one in the editing section, so I thoughts it wasn't working or I was just doing something wrong.  
          So I just stopped for awhile, that is why I didn't have a background and pfp for so long.  And because both me and Wattpad is dumb sometimes.  I'm happy my profile finally looks better now.  What with me having a pfp, BG, and my 1st new story on WP finally.  So yeah, today is going great!


One of the Gravity Falls Transcendence AU fics I was talking about I finally finished completely.  It took me so long to write, & even longer to proofread, edit, & transfer over to AO3 & later here.  Anyways, I'm so glad.  
          This is pretty 1 of my very 1st fics I have posted online, & I'm very proud of myself.  So here is to my 1st fic posted on AO3 (which I will prob. link on my profile sometime soon) & now on Wattpad!  It took me a bit of getting used to posting at both places, but I think next time I do, it will be much easier.  
          I'm finally posting more on WP.  If anyone who follows me or anything wants to read my fic that would be very cool.  Ofc, I know a lot of people who may follow me, & that I may also follow (too) are mainly Hunter x Hunter fans, so my fic might not be their cup of tea, which I totally get.  If you want to read my fic, that would be awesome, if don't want to or cant that is also cool, & I understand.  
          But yeah, this fic is a Gravity Falls (& AUs stuff for it too) fic.  More specifically, a Gravity Falls AU Transcendence 1, so I know people may not be too into any of them.  Esp. since my Transcendence fic is really heavily based off not only the really huge & massive lore, canon, etc. of Gravity Falls, but Transcendence too, so I know my fic may not be easy to follow.  I mean you can very much still read it as it's own thing, but if you have went to the transcendence au tumblr or it's wiki, or read any of the more canon fics of it, it is much easier to follow.  
          Plus, I reference some stuff, & I was inspired by some other works that helped me make my own fic.  Basically, I just wanted to announced me finally posting my 1st fic here on WP, bc I'm very happy!  
          Also, editing the cover for my fic helped me finally figure out how to do pfps & BGs (I can be a bit stupid with tech sometimes.  Tho I can also be really good, it depends), so I'm gonna be doing that too.  I will be posting comments & replying to some comments & DMs soon too.


Im writing 2 Gravity Falls Transcendence (Alcor & Mizar type Transcendence fics) fics.  A Gravity Falls AU (well technically AUs. since there is different versions & takes of the AU Transcendence & sub-AUs, but you know what I mean) & its sub-AUs that are favorites of mine.  
          & I am so stressed (Im still having fun though, just very stressed), bc I procrastinated & put off finishing these fics, while I have been writing them on and off for like the last 2 months.  Well more like 1 fic, I have barely started the 2nd one, but I will get that done in time too, hopefully.  I will probably end up updating these fics later on, since Im having to rush them so much towards the end.  
          Anyways, so stressed I have like 2-4 days to finish these fics, or at least 1 of them which is ironically the one I have barely started, so ughhhh.  Tho, the 1 I have been working on more is probably due too soon, & is probably even more important.  I will probably post these fics here.  Well at least one of them.  
          The more important one that I have been writing on & off for so long once I get past my anxiousness.  I probably wont be able to post it here, AO3, & other places though since its for a Transcendence zine.  & Im honestly just hoping I finish it in time fot the zine, if I dont welp I guess its free for all to post here.  Crossing my fingers I finish in time.  
          & if I do, I hope you check out the Transcendence AU & Transcendence zine tumblrs.  Which honestly I hope you check out in general.  The Transcendence AU tumblr is always great and has new content and stuff.  & the Transcendence zine tumblr & the zines (yep multiple) that people (including me) are working on for it are turning out to be really cool, & maybe some of you will want to buy one or whatever of the zines, who knows.  I know the people in charge of it, & the people working on content for the zines are for sure working on hard on it/them.  So if u can that would be cool.  The rest of this comment in the reply to 1.


One of my fics is at 5,000+ words!  Im getting there, it is turning out really good I think.  It needs a lot of proof reading and editing though.  Still, I'm getting more and more happy with it.  Yay!


The 2nd fic Im writing is for a ficathon on the Transcendence tumblr.  But yep, stressed, I only got a few days to finish these fics (or at least 1, with the other zine 1 I probably dont got much time on either), and I faith no faith on keep my voice and person perspectives (1st, 2nd, &/or 3rd person) consistent & good.  If it wasnt for my lack of faith in doing that, I would probably post more fics.  
            Im gonna try to see if I can find a beta for them in time that I need to finish them.  Wish me luck on finishing these fics in time, and finding a beta.  And good luck to anyone who needs to do something.  Esp. any HxH (esp. Killugon/Gonkillu, Leopika, & etc.) Undertale, and Gravity Falls, as well as all of the AUs and etc. of these fans out there.  
            I mean anyone working on anything in general, but these things are some of my favorite things, and are basically some if not all my main focuses here.  Other places too really, like AO3 some, and other places, but definitely here.  Have a nice time everyone!  =)


The 2nd part of/comment of a comment that was originally 1 comment, that I deleted, edited, and reposted as 2 comments for various reasons:
          Also, for any people in states and places near and with fires, stay safe out there and stuff.  The skies and air have been weird, orange, and bad lately.  Now its more like yellow or smokey, and sometimes barely any sun where we are it.  Because of all the fires and stuff.  
          Anyways, stay okay, and make sure u be careful with breathing and stuff, esp. if u have other health problems, and honestly just in general.  Yeah, hope everyone is doing okay with the fires, not-so-good air, and just with everything else going on in a lot of places lately.  
          Anyways, no matter where you are, I hope you are doing okay, and u are doing fine and are staying safe wherever you are at.  Everywhere has been a bit hectic and crazy lately.  Anyways, good day/night everyone guys!  Hope everyone keeps staying well.  ^^


I had some Edits to make to this comment, including wanting to having the remembrance comment be its own comment, plus some other things.  
          So in order to edit the comment, I had to delete it and edit them then repost it, in this case as 2 comments instead of 1.  Because, there is still no edit button yet.  Wattpad I love you, but I would love if you added an edit button.  
          Dont worry wont announce these comments again, since they are basically the same even with the edits, additions, deletions, and etc.
          In Remembrance of 9/11.  
          In Remembrance of the Fallen.  And in Support of the Family and Friends who lost someone That Day.  And Just Support for the USA, The People In It, and the allies and friends of the USA On This Day.  
          We Are all in this together, lets support, help, and love each other.  On this sad day, but hopefully also uniting day.  Stay happy everyone, and be with the people you love this day, and just in general really.  
          Have a nice day/night everyone!


Hey everyone!  I know its been awhile since I posted anything in my conversations or here really in general at all.  Im finally getting a little less busy and tired lately, so Im more back here doing stuff reading and posting some more comments.  
          Hopefully, I can keep this better state of mind and energy and post even more comments, conversations, feedback, support, love, DMs, and etc.  Maybe even some of the stories I have been working on, maybe someone here can beta them, I admit my confidence isnt really the best with my work so I would love the support/help on them.  
          Anyways, Im here with a bit of a sobering message, which I apologize in advance for.  Which Im gonna post in a separate post/conversation of its own, because I feel like that is the respectful and proper thing to do with a message such as this.  
          Plus, this comment I just want being its own thing, explaining at least partially where I have been.  I may go into why Im busy and havent here and other places online and stuff later, but for now this is all I why say.  Because those comments will take me awhile, and its a bit personal to me, and there is a couple people online that I have been able to open up with, but its still hard.  
          Anyways, nice seeing everyone!  Sorry if my comments end up not being the most happy.  Esp. since they are the comments I "kinda" come back on.  Stay feeling happy and stuff everyone!  =)


Okay, here is my Birthday post for that Clown.  Anyways, happy birthday u weird, Clown, Magician you:  Hisoka!  We love u.  
          Still, stay away from Killua, Gon, Alluka and Nanika, and Kalluto though.  Just keep hanging out, or trying to kill each other with Illumi, that's what best for 2 crazies like u guys.  Anyways, happy birthday, Hisoka!
          I know I only mentioned Killua's birthday when I wished Gon happy birthday, I can't help it, I love those 2 boys a lot.  And I was excited to wish Happy Birthday to Gon, and was getting excited for Killua's upcoming birthday.  But I didn't forget u, HxH fandom's very colorful clown.  
          Now to wait for Killua's birthday, Alluka/ Nanika Day this year Killugon Day next year.  I couldn't celebrate Killugon Day as much this year as I would have wished, so I'm definitely gonna do it more next year.  
          Okay, sorry for so many posts so close together, and pretty long ones too.  Should be my last status post for a bit, esp. since I think I can only make 3 announcements in a day anyway.  
          Okay good day/ night everyone.  Love seeing and talking to u guys.  Feel free to post and respond to me, I'll try to answer as quick as I can.  ^^


The rest of my 1st post.  Be keeping an eye out for comments esp. on posts and of course fics and art here.  Also, those requests and recommendeds of mine are getting there, and people that allow will be getting them soon, mainly talking about the awesome @GonKilluLuciel (still love that name) here, either through that chapter in the Updates book or if gets too long, private DMs if they mind that.  
          Also, will definitely be responding to comments, DMs, and making my own DMs and comments soon, sorry it's taken me so long there.  I'm esp. sorry it's taking me so long to respond to DMs, I will be getting to them soon.  
          Anyways, nice seeing u guys.  I'm definitely gonna be reading all the HxH(2019 or is it 2020.  Have always had trouble getting track of time) BigBang fics and stuff, if they are out, or waiting patiently for them if they are not, haha.  
          Stay happy and safe.  And make sure u not only stay healthy, but also do stuff that help ur mental health.  Anyways, love everyone, nice seeing everyone.  :).  Also, that Birthday post is coming, I want to make it before it becomes late.


@GonKilluLuciel  Cool, I'll check it out.  Also, man that must have been hard.  When digitally drawing I try to use touchpad and mouse or my favorite some kind of tablet.  Right now mainly my IPad, I got a good app for it.  
            And my IPad is mostly good for it.  Though it is old, so sometimes it doesnt always work.  Still my IPad works pretty well, and is pretty hardy considering how old it is, and how out of date it is in some regards.  Anyways, checking out the drawing now.


@GonKilluLuciel  Oh awesome!  Can't wait to see ur 1st digital drawing ever and the new cover.  The new, new one/ cover for TSP2 was already really pretty, but I'm excited to see the new cover with the sky pixie and stuff drawn digitally (for the 1st time) by you.  
            I love drawing myself too, both traditional and digital.  And digital is actually easier on my hands, even though it takes getting used to, since Ive mostly drawn traditional.  Both ways of drawing takes me awhile though.  Anyways, good luck!  :)


@GonKilluLuciel  Also, great new and very colorful Background and Profile Picture.  Which reminds me, I have to so something for mine, just the editing to get them to fit, esp. the profile picture is taking me awhile.  
            Plus, Im picky with Backgrounds and esp. profile pictures, because once I pick them, I dont change them for a very, very long time usually.  Anyways, ur background and profile picture definitely looks cool.