Well, I'm going to be offline for a while. Not because of all the comments on my books XD, those were funny as hell. Also be sure to check out @EchoZero100 and @HeroicWolfGuardian those guys are cool. But its mainly because I want to improve my writing skills and let this account age a little bit. So for the mean time I will not upload any chapters, or continue the bio. After a bit I'll be sure to come back and release a story that I've been yearning to create. Its called Blight Of Marvel, and it will be about a symbiote rising to the top of Marvel and destroying everything it its path. I'm very excited to release it, so bye guys! Have a wonderful day! And make sure to hug your family and loved ones! Bye!

@EchoZero100 Thanks! Have a great day, make sure to hug those you have close to you too! Its been really fun talking to you.