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So like I have these really important tryouts for school coming up soon for band and my band director told me and everyone else that the tryouts are at the end of the month right? Right so can someone explain to me whY HE CHANGED THE TRYOUTS FROM THE END OF MARCH TO TWO WEEKS FROM NOW!? Like I’m already freaking out because I’m nervous but I figured I had a month to calm down and settle my nerves but now I have two weeks… And I’m not ready for these tryouts and since I don’t have a month to practice I have to learn how to conduct BOHEMIAN FUCKING RHAPSODY IN TWO WEEKS!! BY MYSELF AND- (if you don’t know anything about marching band just know that time changes in songs are the devil and so is marcado conducting style) it has seven fucking time changes so I have to go from 4/4 marcado to 5/4 marcado back to 4/4 then speed up then drop to 2/4 arrows then pick it back up to 4/4 STILL MARCADO then change that to 6/4 marcado STILL GOING FAST then slow down and drop back to 4/4 marcado and then cut off and don’t even get me started on the amount of crescendos and decrescendos and mezzoforte to forte then take it down to mezzopiano- And that was just a giant rant but I just needed to get that off my chest and I can’t talk to the other people trying out or the field commanders because then I’m afraid they’ll think that I won’t be able to take on the responsibility of the position I’m trying out for so if you read my rant all the way through I just wanted to say…thank you