
Em dnif dna emoc ot evah ll'uoy


Hey. I love your stories. I'm thinking of making a Harry Potter fan fic. Any advice?


@DarkNight2202 Hey sorry for the late reply, thanks for reading them! Uhh try and make the dialogue good. Even if your descriptions aren't the best, good dialogue can really make a story. Also try and do something that hasn't been done before, take risks


So, little update:
          1. I finally posted Deserted which I have had planned for a few months now. I only have chapter 1 up right now but I will be updating quite soon. Chapter 1 is more of an introduction than a beginning to the story so vote and stuff and tell me what you think. Chapter 2 will be up soon.
          2. I uploaded the second chapter of Star Wars: Origins of Evil and I'm proud of it. The third chapter will be up asap so just read my other stuff while you're waiting I guess.
          3. I wrote the second chapter of A Madman and His Blue Box which introduces the Ninth Doctor and Rose. Next Chapter will be tenth Doctor accompanied by Martha and Donna which will be up soon!
          4. I have started writing a more violent take of the movie Captain America: Civil War which will be up in a while, just wanna make sure I get it right
          5. I have also started writing my first original story with original characters and stuff so keep an eye out for that. I have no idea when it'll be up because I'm still stuck on the third word so :P
          6. I have updated all of the covers to my stories instead of just using fan art so now it's fan art with the title and my username. So yay
          7. Harry Potter will be continued but I don't know when as I have started two new projects which I have already mentioned and I plan to update current stories too. I have not forgotten about it I have just gotten a bit of writer's block on it but I think I'm good now
          So read, vote, comment, follow and above all else
          Enjoy :)


I apologize for the lack of writing on this site. I had to pause writing due to family events. The Star Wars fanfic has been pushed to September 7th and the next chapter of Harry Potter (AU)- How It Should Have Ended According To Me will be uploaded on September 10th with more chapters and two more stories to follow in October (there may be some more chapters before then) but until then, thank you so much for the support in my absence and goodbye


A new story will be starting soon with the first chapter being released on August 1st. Maybe even two or three chapters. The story will be a Star Wars fanfiction taking place between Episode VI and Episode VII. It will center around a group of rebels fighting to try and stop the newly-founded First Order before it becomes too powerful.