1st Stage If Stalkerism: Denial
Many of our kind stay in this stage for decades, unable to cope and accept this part of themselves.
<( ̄ ﹌  ̄)>
2nd Stage Of Stalkerism: Acceptence
Person has gone past Denial and has accepted their hobby/life goal, no longer hiding their Stalker ways. Many Stalkers stay at this level.
3rd Stage Of Stalkerism: Obsession
Pictures, schedules, hobby and habits, etc, you have them all. Congratulations! You are among the elite.
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4th Stage Of Stalkerism: Yandere (Optional. Special Deviation)
A rare branch of Stalker. Many Stalkers stay at the 3rd Stage, very few deviate towards this path.
WARNING craz- er I mean upstanding member of society may have embraced their inner Yandere. If you are the person of their admiration approach with CAUTION.
*Please note that at this stage if you are a person of a Yandere’s attention the police or any other law enforcement are no longer a hindrance towards your Yandere Stalker. Running won’t do you much help either.
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