
MHA/BNHA OC Yuka in a Toxic relationship rp with @NovaStarlight07
          	Yuka Takara just got back to the dorms after a date with her boyfriend Yoshiro. She made sure she looked presentable, no tear streaks, no smudged makeup, nothing out of the ordinary before she walked into the class A dorms. She put on a happy smile as she walked into the kitchen to grab a water. She had her hair pulled up, hiding her ends for her date so her eyes were the only thing that could show her true emotions. They werent far enough into the year that she thought everyone knew what her colors meant, although she couldn't be sure if people caught on with certain emotions and colors. She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat on the counter as she pulled out her phone. She turned on her selfie camera to look at her face and see what her eyes were showing. Blue, red, and orange. Of course. Sad, angry, and frustrated. She shook her head lightly with a small sigh before she set her phone down and took a sip of her water, closing her eyes. 
          	(You can either have baku be downstairs or whatever and i can have her text him in my next reply or you could even have him text her or whatever you want!)


God AU!
          he rolled his eyes playfully. "my nicknames are the best." He looked at Hitoshi. 'your nickname I made is the best."


            (No they didn't your good!)
            Hitoshi gave a small wave before watching Katsuki get out. He moved to the edge and followed the blonde out of the pool. He didnt grab a towel though not thinking about it. He crossed his arms over his chest slightly as he started to get cold.


            Katsuki hummed slightly and waved izuku a goodbye before getting a towel after getting out of the pool. (I forget if he already did-)


            Hitoshi blushed at the kiss.
            "Ill let you two go now. It was nice meeting you Shinso." Izuku smiled before starting to get out of the pool.


We lost a bakushin one so here @VolleyDork2223 ))
          "Together? What About it? Good things or bad things?" He tilted his head slightly.


            Hitoshi blushed and nodded with a small smile. "I am....im really happy actually..." He mumblef softly as he looked at his coffee.
            Eijiro nodded. "Then ill be happy for you. Like everything else I might need a bit but ill be happy for you two..."


            Denki nodded again. "No worries shin. I understand. As long as you're happy with him. You are, aren't you?"
            Katsuki nodded once again. "Yeah.. I am.*


            Hitoshi blushed softly. "Yeah I am...im sorry again for making you think....uhm....that way...i never wanted to hurt you. I dont think ill ever stop apologizing...." He mumbled softly.
            Eijiro bit his lip. "Are you happy?" He asked softly as he looked down. "Like happy with Shinso..." He mumbled.


(hopefully it doesn't delete the other one
          Denki wasn't tired, he wanted to watch Hitoshi carefully now and make sure he was okay. He still felt bad about the leg thing but he hoped it'd get better soon.
          Hizashi smiled seeing that his husband was finally relaxing and taking a break.


            Hitoshi kept kissing Denki's head softly while rubbing his back gently. He wanted Denki to feel better. He didn't like hearing him apologize like this.
            Aizawa sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Nothing confirmed but i did have my suspicions about Sero and a few people he hangs out with."


            Denki clung onto him tightly. 
            Hizashi nodded. "So that knocks off bakugo, ashido, todoroki, midoriya, and many more- I mean they can be smart but some are against that stuff. does anyone have a past of doing it?"


            Hitoshi held Denki close and kissed his head. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You're okay."
            Aizawa sighed softly. "Whoever it was with mustve called Hitoshi to get Denki. So at least whoever it was they seemed to have some sort brain. Hitoshi should've just told us though."


MHA/BNHA OC Yuka in a Toxic relationship rp with @NovaStarlight07
          Yuka Takara just got back to the dorms after a date with her boyfriend Yoshiro. She made sure she looked presentable, no tear streaks, no smudged makeup, nothing out of the ordinary before she walked into the class A dorms. She put on a happy smile as she walked into the kitchen to grab a water. She had her hair pulled up, hiding her ends for her date so her eyes were the only thing that could show her true emotions. They werent far enough into the year that she thought everyone knew what her colors meant, although she couldn't be sure if people caught on with certain emotions and colors. She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat on the counter as she pulled out her phone. She turned on her selfie camera to look at her face and see what her eyes were showing. Blue, red, and orange. Of course. Sad, angry, and frustrated. She shook her head lightly with a small sigh before she set her phone down and took a sip of her water, closing her eyes. 
          (You can either have baku be downstairs or whatever and i can have her text him in my next reply or you could even have him text her or whatever you want!)


            Yuka clung to Katsuki as she cried. Her hair and eye a pure shade of blue. She didnt know how long she cried for. She needed a way out but didnt know what to do. Right now everything hurt. Her head hurt from her hair being pulled earlier, her chest hurt from all the crying, her entire body ached. She didnt want to feel this way anymore.


            His heart sank. It was horrible. She was begging for help but he didn't know what to do. Neither did she. What should they do??


            "His quirk..." Yuka mumbled biting his lip. "I dont know exactly how it works...but he can make sorta projections or something...he can see though his projections eyes...so he knows things even when i don't know he does...." She muttered. "Hes tangled himself in my life i feel trapped. I dont know what i can do..." She sniffled and cried into Katsuki. "Help me..." She whispered.


TW! SELF HARM/MORE Hitoshi Shinso with @NovaStarlight07
          Hitoshi has bad relationship with parents, like they're absolutely horrible. She can't do anything without them hating her for it or saying something about it. She can't date. She can't have friends. She can't hang out after school. Her parents didn't even want her to apply to UA. Her parents abuse her and even force her to use her own quirk on others when she didn't want to. Her parents looked like perfect parents to the outside eye. 
          What they didnt know was that Hitoshi was suffering. She had started to cut her upper thighs when she was in her early middle school years. Since then she couldn't stop. It started with her upper thighs and gradually went lower towards her knee. Once she hit there she knew itd be harder to hide any that were lower because of school uniforms. Thankfully her middle school and UA allowed a pair of black short leggings which covered where she was scarred. As thw years passed things didn't get any better. She actually ended up adding cuts to her stomach and torso. She even started to burn herself with a lighter at times. She didnt burn as often because of how long it took to heal but when things were really bad she would.
          Now that Hitoshi was in UA, she tried to find a thread of hope for this world. If she could prove herself here she could get out of that house. She could finally feel free. She could breathe. The onky issue was...she got put into class C. The general studies class. She wasn't learning how to be a hero or anything like that. Thankfully she was able to puah all her own fears and hatred of her quirk aside for the sports festival and actually did better than expected. She still fwlt horrible after losing but what happened after was the best thing for her. She started private training with Aizawa which her parents couldn't refuse because she threatened to tell her teacher everything that happens behind their closed doors.
          (Part 1)


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            Hitoshi quickly sat up and turned to face Katsuki with tears streaming down her eyes, the light amount of makeup she did everyday leaving black streaks from the tears. "You. You want to stay? Must be fucking nice to just sit there watching a girl have a whole ass mental breakdown isn't it! What if i dont want you to stay?!" She yelled as she cried even though she didnt want to be alone. She just didnt know how to deal with all of this at once.


            "im not like other people Hitoshi, ill stay." he shrugged.


            Hitoshi bit her lip. "W-why are you staying...? Nobody ever stays....what reason do you have to stay?!" She was just getting upset and frustrated with herself not actually mad at Katsuki even though she raised her voice at him.


@NovaStarlight07 Schizophrenic Denki RP
          For young Denki Kaminari life was never easy, his father left his mother when he was two years old. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia at four, in that case he has to take a certain amount of certain medications daily. He grew up just wanting to be normal. He was constantly excluded from activities and drove people away due to his condition. Denki had been in and out of hospital after hospital his whole life to try and cure it for good, but nothing worked. This condition being mixed with his quirk was hard to deal with but somehow barely manageable. Most people expect nothing from him, but he wanted to prove them wrong. To prove he could still be a hero with his condition.
          When he was fifteen and a half he got into UA. The teachers and staff were informed about his condition and the consequences of having him here. He was quiet yet looked energetic, he couldn't help it. He muttered quietly to what seemed to be himself, but in his mind someone was there. It was hard focusing but he managed. He scribbled down some notes on a piece of paper as the teacher spoke until class ended


            Hitoshi smiled softly in return. "Good." He mumbled quietly.


            'You're alright..." He looked at Hitoshi with a small smile.


            "If i get too much im sorry...just let me know and ill shut up..." He mumbled as he glancec down blushing.


TW! Planned Attempt Hitoshi Shinso with @NovaStarlight07
          Hitoshi had been fighting for what he felt like forever. Fighting for people to believe he wasnt a villain just because of his quirk. Fighting for a chance to prove himself. Hell, he even had to fight with his parents when they got drunk and abusive. He was just so tired of fighting. He finally made a plan on how hed end it all. He felt relieved a bit. He knew what he was going to do. He felt calm about it. He wanted one last day. One day where he could let go and just be a kid for a moment and not worry about tomorrow. He did feel a bit bad leaving his crush though. The only thing he would wish he could see after he disappeared would be to watch them grow stronger and get whatever future they want. If they wanted to go pro, he wished he could see that happen. If they wanted to do something else in life, then he wished for that. He could at least spend his last day with them. He took a breath as he sat in his dorm room and quickly typed up a text and hit send before he could back out. Today was all or nothing. He wouldn't live to see tomorrow.
          > Hey i know this is kinda last minute but i want to go out and do something. I dont care what we do but i want to spend the reat of the day with you. We can go anywhere and its all on me. My treat. You pick the location and ill pay. I dont even care if i said ill never go there, today i will. Are you down for that?
          The text wasnt anything like how Hitoshi had been acting recently but he didn't care. He let his fears go and took a leap hoping the other was free today.


            Hitoshi took his food but only stared at it. He started to feel sick just looking at it. He knew he needed to eat but the thought alone was making him sick.


            Denki noticed it but said nothing about it. He brought him back up and handed him his part of the food.


            Hitoshi followed along like a lost puppy, gently reaching out for the edge of Denkis shirt or his hand. He just wanted to hold onto something. He kept his head low as they were downstairs, following denki back up in the same lost puppy manner. He didnt say a word the whole time.


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Mermaid Shinso with @NovaStarlight07
          Hitoshi wasnt special by any means. Yes all merfolk had some sort of abilities that they specialized in. Some were wonderful and would amaze anyone who saw them while others were scary and caused harm to others. His on the other hand just emphasized all merfolks abilities. They were sirens. They used their voices to lure humans to them. Hitoshi's siren abilities were stonger than any other merfolk they've ever heard of. His abilities could even work on his own kind. That was something that terrified some. It made him seperate himself from the others. He lived on his own not too far from the grotto where the others lived. It was peaceful and quiet. Too quiet at times though. He wasnt too far from a coastline and would frequent there often to just enjoy the sounds. He would hide behind rocks and watch as fisherman head out for the day, children ran along the beaches, hed even watch the pirates leave on their large ships. 
          One day Hitoshi had swam away from his reef and the local grotto as he went to explore. He was helping out some of the local fish and other sea life when a large net showed up out of nowhere. Hitoshi panicked and helped the sea life esacpe telling them all to scatter. As he helped free a stingray his tail got tangled into the net. "Shit.." He muttered. He tried to get his tail free but was too late, the net was already being drug out of water. He panicked slightly but knew he needed to stay calm. He could always rely on his ability if needed but always preferred not to with how everyone always reacted.


            Hitoshi bit his lip as Katsuki took the clothes. He looked down and stayed silent. They were the first thing he was given so he wanted to keep them.


            Katsuki changed and knocked on the frame before coming in and taking the clothes. His room wasn't anything special. "ill wash these now."


            Hitoshi opened his mouth to say something but closed it and sighed softly before nodding and starting to change. Once he was changed he held the dirty clothes and looked around Katsukis room.


Prince Y/C & Captive Shinso with @NovaStarlight07
          Hitoshi had been beaten and bruised numerous times in the past. So who cared if he added another time to that list. What he didnt expect was to be called to the throne room where he was to be seen by the Prince. He had been thrown in a cell since he was caught late the previous night and was kept awake by any means necessary. The guards had thrown freezing cold water at him, chained him to the wall and beat him, threatened him with things he could never repeat. He was just exhausted at this point. He wouldnt tell them anything though. The reason for him being in this different kingdom was something he wouldnt give up so lightly. He had just started to doze off when a trio of guards came for him. They bound his wrists and dragged him out of the cell. 
          Hitoshi was dragged to the throne room and pushed to his knees in front of the royal in the chair ahead of him. He kept his head down at first, only looking up when one of thw guards grabbed his hair and pulled his face up to look at the Prince. Another one of the guards spoke up and held a sword beneath Hitoshi's chin.
          "Sire, we found this intruder trying to get into the castle last night. We tried to get the reasons why he was here out of him but he wont say a word to us. He didnt have much on him besides a satchel and the clothes on his back." The third guard held up a leather satchel when it was mentioned.
          Hitoshi glanced at his bag quickly before looking away. The contents didnt appear important to many but to him those were his only belongings that were his. He tried to make it look like he didnt care about the bag, not wanting anything to be used against him. He looked towards the Prince. "I wont spill to you either." He growled out slightly. He was exhausted and it was hard trying to hide that fact but he tried. His words earned him a back slap from one of the guards.


            Hitoshi made his way back over to Denki, gently gripped his shirt and pressed his lips to the blondes with a deep blush.


            "Just- just go on. It won't ruin anything-"


            "I..." Hitoshi groaned and gripped his hair some. "Damn it...i cant risk messing something up. Things are going well for the first time in forever...i cant risk that..." He sighed.