
Needless to say I've been busy- graduating high school, getting a job, and trying to get a handle on life. I've also had a case of writer's block on ALL of my continuing stories, unfortunately. Hopefully, going through my stories and re-reading them will help solve that little problem. Since I wrote them while I was in late middle school/early high school, I'll probably need to make some minor changes just to make the story run smoother (I've read all of your comments and noticed I made some parts of certain stories confusing). It'll take some time, but all I ask is for u to stand by and be patient with me a little bit longer. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING, VOTING, COMMENTING, AND ADDING MY STORIES!!! YOU ALL ARE TRULY THE BEST!!!


Needless to say I've been busy- graduating high school, getting a job, and trying to get a handle on life. I've also had a case of writer's block on ALL of my continuing stories, unfortunately. Hopefully, going through my stories and re-reading them will help solve that little problem. Since I wrote them while I was in late middle school/early high school, I'll probably need to make some minor changes just to make the story run smoother (I've read all of your comments and noticed I made some parts of certain stories confusing). It'll take some time, but all I ask is for u to stand by and be patient with me a little bit longer. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING, VOTING, COMMENTING, AND ADDING MY STORIES!!! YOU ALL ARE TRULY THE BEST!!!


I'm back- at least for now! I'm still dealing with more stress for one person, but the past two weeks I've been writing I've felt sad that I'm writing chapters that I haven't even published on here yet. I also have two new stories in the works and for anyone who's on Tumbkr, I've created a roleplay account for Amethyst from Unwanted Daughter. The link is below:
          So yeah, I'll be updating all my stories now and then. Sorry for the unexpected hiatus, but I'm just happy I feel up to updating again :)


this message may be offensive
I spent two days typing the newest chapter of Unwanted Daughter only to ACCIDENTALLY DELETE IT WHILE I WAS TRYING TO FUCKING PUBLISH IT!!! I am so pissed and am going to take a few minutes (maybe hours) to cool down before I start re-typing it.
          In other news, I'm going back and forth from working on Stuck In A Story to working on The Guard and I'm writing a story I don't even know if I'm going to publish yet.


Dear amazing and patient followers,
          I have the next chapters for Stuck In A Story and The Guard all written out. The reasons why. I haven 't published them yet is because my mom had a really bad health scare and had to have surgery for it and. I'm trying to make sure I'm passing all my classes. Just wanting to let you all know that. I'm still here and still writing and hear your pleas. I'll update. Stuck In A Story first.
          Thanks again for being patient with me. Love you all.


sorry to hear that x I hope everything works out xxx