
But hold on, I've been writing drafts of More Than Friends and this one story; not quite sure of the name yet, but it's about the Mafia story, etc., using American names for my characters with the blood of Korean, basically, half Korean and American.


@Vonnskiii_ i really enjoy more than friends, waiting for the update


But hold on, I've been writing drafts of More Than Friends and this one story; not quite sure of the name yet, but it's about the Mafia story, etc., using American names for my characters with the blood of Korean, basically, half Korean and American.


@Vonnskiii_ i really enjoy more than friends, waiting for the update


LOLS, I'm just laughing at myself writing, but anyway, I'm so quiet here but literally loud on Twitter. I actually poured my leisure time into TWT because that's the only thing my time can do, and writing takes me a lot of time and a lot of research. Oh, I've been researching IRL just for my academics, so I couldn't do what I wanted, but today is Friday, and tomorrow is the weekend. Also, I'm going to change the current chapter. I feel like I got lost writing it. It shouldn't be how the story goes, so there are many mistakes. That's all :3


It's Pyeha's birthday, and I wanted to update for MTF, but it's not yet finished, and it's stressing me to finish it today and update with something a little sweet since the last update was a bummer! I should write now.