
I did a Dumb and panicked, so now there's none of my works currently available to read. I will still be writing but until I'm happy with them, they wont be published. Keep watch for them in the future!


I did a Dumb and panicked, so now there's none of my works currently available to read. I will still be writing but until I'm happy with them, they wont be published. Keep watch for them in the future!


It's been a slow year for me and it's about to get hectic so I'm not going to have as much time (or caffeine) to write. Let me know through PM or other media you know me through which book to work on! 
          While 9/10 I will do my own thing, I still like to hear suggestions for how the story plot will move along/characters/events/etc. I do also love to hear book Ideas if you have any but don't want to use!


I'm Back! I've been pretty much ded since lately but I've finally gotten back into the swing! I'm pleased to start up my new story (Sorry to all those ones I haven't touched in about a year) 'Aligned to Life'!  If you wouldn't mind taking the few moments to read at least Prologue and give some feed back I would sincerely love it!


I hate be annoying but, SORRY I haven't been too active in the past month or so, I have been bust with moving house and have had little time for much, plus I haven't really been in the mood to write much. So I am hoping to be more active and write more chapters over the course of this year and try to be more active within  the Wattpad community. So If anyone has any recommendations they would like to give me, please do!


Sorry I haven't been very active over the past few weeks if not months, I'm trying to get back up to speed with my books. I shall try to create even better chapters and keep all of you on the edge of your seats. Thank you all for being patient and sticking by the whole time! And a big welcome to my newer followers!