
I hate my Italian teacher so much, she always gives me bad grades only because she hates me and she wants me to fail and I don't want to go to school anymore because she always asks me difficult questions and when I can't answer she gets angry at me only to humiliate me in front of my classmates :/


I hate my Italian teacher so much, she always gives me bad grades only because she hates me and she wants me to fail and I don't want to go to school anymore because she always asks me difficult questions and when I can't answer she gets angry at me only to humiliate me in front of my classmates :/


Hey, come si dice quando parli a qualcuno nel cuore della notte?.Bho. :3
          Ciao(?) Spero che la mia storia ti possa piacere. Scusa per l'ora, sono una notturna, della serie. Di notte non dormo e di giorno sono una rimbambita su due zampe TvT
          Bye- e buona notte XD


@ -Minako_aot-  wela


@ Emma_Liberty  Weilá