*You seem to have a little note on the front of your door!*
Hey, h9pe Y9u're d9ing well, 9therwise, y9ur day is a69ut t9 get a wh9le l9t w9rse.
Remem6er when y9u asked me, if I 9nly agreed 6ecause I needed the attenti9n..? Well, the plain truth is that Y9u were right. Really sh9uldve kn9wn 9therwise then t9 trust me.
9ur fav9rite pers9n has returned, s9 I'm afriad that I just d9n't need y9u anym9re. I'm als9 planning 9n m9ving, s9, yeah.
Have a nice afterlife, I supp9se! Was my acting as g99d as I p9rtrayed? : )