
Okay people! Forgive me, but I'm going to go on a short hiatus! 
          	I'd rather let you know now instead of later while you guys wonder why the heck I haven't been updating lol. 
          	I want to get my writing fuel/energy back and truth be told I'll already be busier than usual with exams around the corner and then nonstop month(s) of committed side-writing. 
          	Don't worry! I'm not abandoning 'The Switch' or 'The 17th Summer'. I will 10000000% let you know when I'm coming back or when new chapters will be posted. We are more than halfway through both stories, and I plan to make good on that promise to finish them!
          	In fact, I will tell you right now that when I DO come back, I'll release THREE chapters of 'The Switch' simultaneously and FIVE-SIX Chapters of 'The 17th Summer' to make up for the lost time!
          	Until then, stay safe and bye for now!


Okay people! Forgive me, but I'm going to go on a short hiatus! 
          I'd rather let you know now instead of later while you guys wonder why the heck I haven't been updating lol. 
          I want to get my writing fuel/energy back and truth be told I'll already be busier than usual with exams around the corner and then nonstop month(s) of committed side-writing. 
          Don't worry! I'm not abandoning 'The Switch' or 'The 17th Summer'. I will 10000000% let you know when I'm coming back or when new chapters will be posted. We are more than halfway through both stories, and I plan to make good on that promise to finish them!
          In fact, I will tell you right now that when I DO come back, I'll release THREE chapters of 'The Switch' simultaneously and FIVE-SIX Chapters of 'The 17th Summer' to make up for the lost time!
          Until then, stay safe and bye for now!


PSA: I'M ALIVE GUYS, I PROMISE! Everything will be updated with new super-awesome chapters as soon as possible. They're all actually 3.5/4 done (quite literally), and I just want to makes sure that what I finally present to you guys is nothing short of what you deserve. Love you all!


SO THE GOOD NEWS is that I actually think the masquerade chapter will have to be split into two parts. Yay! More chapters for you guys. (And I'll probably release them both at the same time.)
          THE BAD NEWS is that it's going to take some time, and will probably take a few weeks, especially since I have midterm exams and such. I'LL DO MY BEST, but just wanted to give you guys a heads up. love you all <3